
Apicolysis is a phenomenon that occurs in some biological systems and consists in the fact that animals or people deliberately retreat in front of an obviously stronger enemy. In other words, if we are talking about a fight, then during the fight the animals avoid using those techniques or strategies that would be associated with risk for them.

There are many hypotheses explaining the occurrence of Apicolysis, among them the following can be distinguished: Behavioral characteristics of animals. Based on the fact that Apicolism indicates an animal’s fear of fighting an enemy if he is obviously stronger, we can conclude that certain behavioral traits predominate in such individuals. For example, they try to conserve energy that, after victory, could be used for other purposes, rather than wasting it on risks and strength that may not allow them to defeat such a powerful opponent. It is also worth noting that powerful animals are not always aggressive; instead of showing a defensive reaction, they can simply avoid contact with stronger opponents. Danger. The use of apicolism is more typical for those birds, animals or birds that are distinguished by the presence of sensory organs that allow them to timely assess possible danger. For example, it is impossible not to notice that most birds of prey very clearly assess their chances of winning in a fight with their chosen opponent, and that is why they prefer not to take risks. This phenomenon directly confirms that the instinct of preservation and survival in the modern world is above all else. Intelligence.