Bacteremia Nonspecific

Nonspecific bacteremia is a pathological condition that is characterized by a high level of sterile, dead or live bacteria in the blood. This condition can be caused by various infectious and non-infectious processes, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, sepsis, pneumonia, cystitis, urinary tract infections and many others. Bacteria that enter the bloodstream can multiply inside white blood cells, phagocytic cells, or other vital organs. This leads to the development of various symptoms in patients, such as fever, chills, muscle and joint pain, fatigue and poor health.

The causes of nonspecific bacteria are determined by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and waste products of parasites. Various types of bacteria are found in the blood, which makes this disease extremely dangerous, as it is the most common form of septicemia. The disease is more common in adults than in children.