
Apo is an ancient Greek word that means “beyond.” In Russian, this word has the following meanings: ending or end, final and final. For example, apogee is the highest point of a circular arc or the completion of some activity; apothegeum - in literature and theatrical productions - the ending of a literary work or performance; apology - a scientific and literary work in defense of the honor of some person accused by himself of something (at the beginning of the 14th century it was written by the great Russian prince Dmitry Ivanovich Vnuk, nicknamed Donskoy, the author of “The Tale of his brother, Prince Peter Dmitrievich Belozersky"); apologetics - Christian theological teaching dedicated to defending the truths of faith from criticism; apomorphosis is a figure of speech, one of the types of metaphor based on external similarity; appeal - put forward some request or complaint and ask a second time for resolution of the filed case; appeal - a complaint filed against a decision on a matter