Delirium Senile

Senile delirium (acute presbyophrenia) is an acute clouding of consciousness that occurs in older people. Characterized by disturbances in attention, perception, thinking, memory and circadian rhythms.

Reasons for the development of senile delirium:

  1. Infections (pneumonia, urinary tract infections)
  2. Metabolic disturbances (dehydration, electrolyte disturbances)
  3. Intoxication (alcohol, drugs)
  4. Injuries and surgeries
  5. Vascular diseases of the brain

Clinical manifestations:

  1. Impaired consciousness from mild confusion to deep coma
  2. Disorientation in time and space
  3. Perceptual disturbances - hallucinations, illusions
  4. Insomnia or excessive sleepiness
  5. Excitement or lethargy
  6. Speech, thinking, memory disorders

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and tests to identify the cause. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and supporting therapy. The prognosis depends on the severity of the condition and the age of the patient. Delirium senile significantly increases mortality among the elderly.


Neurological department. Moscow. Delirium in psychiatric practice is traditionally referred to as hallucinatory psychoses or their equivalents. The neurophysiological mechanism accompanying the development of senile delirium is usually considered to be endocrine and vascular changes. But an equally characteristic model of pathogenesis is the symptom of anxiety that occurs during