Needle Disciplinary

Discrimination needle

Brief definition of the term Discision needle is a medical instrument, which is an extremely thin and flexible steel or brass tube. It is designed for dissection in the area of ​​blood vessels and is used by surgeons to cut tissue during operations. This is a microsurgical instrument.

The use of a Distsion needle is recommended for operations on the veins of the extremities, as well as for plastic surgery, for cutting and isolating tissue at the site of surgery. The process of using a needle The needle is placed in a bottle with a special solution, which reduces its resistance to penetration into tissue; when the instrument is positioned correctly, the solution is released through the needle and tissue capillaries, which leads to their swelling, making it possible to cut the tissue material in the area of ​​effect of the instrument; After dissections, careful antiseptic treatment of the incision site with the instrument and the onlay is necessary