
Moria is an ancient Greek name that means stupidity. But is it possible to defeat her? Maybe it arises due to immaturity of thinking, lack of information, or simply because a person does not strive for self-knowledge and personal growth? The question remains open, but I want to talk about some ways to combat Moria.

First, you can start by understanding the essence of this phenomenon. It happens that we simply do not know where our thoughts come from and how we form them. It is important to understand that this is a process that happens inside our brain, and not just external circumstances that make us think. When we realize that our thoughts are shaped by our brain, we can begin to control this process.

For example, we can use meditation or relaxation techniques to reduce the influence of negative thoughts on our thinking. We learn to focus on the present moment and let go of all worries and worries, allowing our mind to wander freely. You can also engage in psychological practices such as positive thinking or dream visualization. The main thing is to find a method that suits you.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to your surroundings. You can make useful contacts and become part of a community of smart and interesting people who can inspire you to develop yourself. It's a good idea to engage in creative activities or sports, as these activities can have a positive effect on our well-being and increase our energy levels.

It is also important to be able to accept your mistakes and learn from them. No one is perfect, and even the smartest people make mistakes. The main thing is to learn from your mistakes and move forward, improving. Instead of getting upset or panicking, try to look for ways to help you improve the situation.

Finally, you need to be able to analyze your thoughts. You can try writing down your thoughts on paper and analyzing them. This can help you identify problems and resolve them. Talking to friends or a psychologist who can help you understand your feelings and thoughts will also help.