Ligament of Eyelids Temporal

*The temporal ligament of the eyelids is an anatomical structure in the facial part of the skull that connects the superolateral ends of the frontal and temporal bones.

It consists of small bones and ligaments that form a small cone. In some cases, the mass may contain blood vessels and nerves. Connects the ocular, temporal and middle cranial regions.

This area is an important area during facial surgery, treatment of dental diseases and dentistry, and is also used during rehabilitation after injury or surgery. It is used to correct facial asymmetry

*The name “temporal”* comes from the Latin term* “temporal bones”, which were borrowed from the English “temporal”*. The term “**Ligament**” takes its name from the Russian word “ligament” - a weak point of connection between tissues or structures, forming a bridge connecting or connecting something. I wrote the term “temporal” with an error, which very well demonstrates errors in translations of terms, and sometimes the emergence of new terms runs counter to other scientific trends.