
**Remission** - in psychiatry and psychotherapy, a temporary weakening or disappearance of symptoms of a disease, disorder: in schizophrenics it can be spontaneous or induced by drugs (antipsychotics). Remissions can be acute, i.e. transient, or chronic, long-term, permanent. In accordance with the ICD-11 classification of mental disorders, the following types of conditions are distinguished, called “chronic psychotic disorders without established psychosis”: BDS F27.1 - affective disorder with episode remission; BDS O6.3 is another schizophrenia-like disorder. According to ICD-9, this diagnosis was called schizophrenia without pronounced manifestations; BDA 81.0 is a schizophrenia spectrum disorder. With truly transient or true remissions, delusions and hallucinations either do not occur or they occur rarely. Remissions are often associated with a temporary suspension of the relapse of the main psychopathological disorders in schizophrenia - positive syndromes. Transient remissions are accompanied by the appearance of external, so-called somatoform, symptoms. Among such manifestations, a special place is occupied by

Welcome to the world of health and well-being! In a world where every day brings new challenges, remission can be a real salvation for those suffering from various diseases.

Remission is a temporary cessation of symptoms of a disease or condition that gradually improves. This process may take several weeks or months, depending on the disease and its treatment. It allows the patient to restore his health and return to normal life.

One of the main reasons why remission is an important concept is its connection to a stronger immune system and improved quality of life. Many medical procedures are performed to maintain and enhance the body's immune response to treat diseases such as cancer and autoimmune diseases.

However, not all diseases have the possibility of remission. Some chronic diseases, such as depression and diabetes, can lead to long-term deterioration and a decrease in quality of life beyond recovery. In such cases