Mesogastrium Dorsal

Dorsal mesogastrium (lat. mesogastrium dorsum, mesogastricus dorsalis) is an anatomical structure that is located in the back and stomach in humans. It is one of the components of the endocrine system and is responsible for regulating the volume of the stomach and other organs of the digestive system.

Structure and functions

The dorsal mesogastrium consists of thick and complex fiber, which contains tissues responsible for the functioning of the sphincter, muscles of the stomach, respiratory tract and others. This is the part of the mesogastrium that is located between the sternum and the diaphragm. The contents of the dorsal mesogastrium consist of adipose and connective tissue, fat, blood vessels, nerves and lymph nodes. Together with other bones and muscles, it forms the anterior wall of the chest.

Functions of the dorsal mesogastrium:

1. Expansion of stomach volume: In the abdominal cavity there are organs that interact with each other so that the cells work on the same wavelength. Mesogastria dorsi