Aponeurosis Abdominal-perineal

Abdominal-perineal aponeurosis is no joke! Why you should welcome it and exactly how it will impact your day

Hello my favorite people. Today we will talk about how one simple term can affect your life. Sounds scary! Let's take a closer look at what could be wrong with the abdominal-intermediate aponeurosis, and why you shouldn't be afraid of it?

Abdominal and perineal aponeurosis is when the aponeurosis is... what can you do! This very aponeurosis has this name because in Latin everything is complicated. But we are Russians, so we take any term simply. That's why we don't need to know Latin! And in general, all information about science is in our hearts! We live and breathe science, we are a team of travelers. And our ultimate goal is to see and do something new, to learn new things. There are phrases like: “Only those who do nothing are afraid of nothing,” and we understand this. After all, this is the adopted philosophy of our ancestors! Our genetics has preserved information about those amazing deeds in which various peoples and civilizations of the past surpassed themselves. This is the lifestyle you should strive for. Let's leave the past in the past and go conquer a new world unknown to us!

And now I propose to take a short break for a text about science itself. So I'll tell you. Phew, what science it turned out to be. The named science is called: aponeurosis ventriovillous. It works precisely to protect our insides. A gimmic belt made of leather that makes a kind of cover for our gut. And if there is an injury or wound to the intestine, then it shrinks around the intestine. And this is of course a very good trick!