Aponeurosis Brachioclavicular

Aponeurosis of the humerus

The aponeurosis of the humerus is not a separate formation, but a layer of connective tissue in the form of a narrow sheath that covers the fractures and its attachments. It connects the bases of the muscles responsible for participating in the movement of the entire upper limb. The aponeurotic tissue significantly limits the extent of movement in the shoulder girdle during bending and turning in the vertical plane, preventing it from freely crossing the boundaries of the overlying articular complex. During dystrophic processes, the articulation of the humeral fossa and the coracoid process is leveled and soldered. This leads to significant disturbances in the biomechanics of the upper limb, which is combined with the formation of other pathological signs - xerostomia, scaphoidesis of the scapula, pterygoid scapula, flexion of the elbow along with the metacarpophalangeal joint (accompanied by impaired urination and defecation).

This constraint allows the spine to maintain balance during unidirectional movements of the head and neck, while reducing the impact of rotational forces on the peripheral nervous system and causing subsequent vestibular responses. Such an important element in the structure of the shoulder girdle ensures the reliability of the supporting apparatus and its ability to realize, if necessary, a full range of movements in all three planes of the body. The aponeuroses connected to the capsular sheets of the joints contribute to the shock-absorbing function of the musculo-ligamentous complexes, ensuring the correct balance of mobility and stability of the shoulder joints. This is especially important for carrying out work tasks. So, if there are obstacles or, on the contrary, if the joint is unloaded, the movements of the joint will clearly differ from the actions of the same joint when the person is completely free. The resistance to the influence of axial load on bone and ligament elements is provided by aponeuroses, with their help a new limit to their mobility is created. Diseases of the structures of the shoulder girdle make a significant contribution to the development of trophic disorders in the skin and are accompanied by changes in muscle tone.