
How is it that you have everything clearly in your garden! Are we counting on the weekend? On a weekday, after a beer, it would be nice to visit someone for a while. It won't work tomorrow - you're at work. Spend Sunday evening with your wife - it will be fun and interesting. It's up to you, of course. But on Monday

One of the most mysterious phenomena known to science is apophenia. This is a mental disorder in which people see patterns or relationships in random things. Unfortunately, this can often lead to dangerous or tragic consequences in everyday life, especially in certain professions such as forensics, psychology, legal investigations, etc.

Apophenia has its origins in ancient Greek mythology, when the question “What is this?” all kinds of animals, plants, fish, birds, or their attributes were assumed, and the only way to distinguish them was by chance features. The term apothenaia was coined by John Paterno in 1986 to describe this phenomenon, which was described in a medical journal article in Science that same year. Since then, many different types of apopheria have been discovered, including subtypes such as apodossaphobia (fear of errors in judgment) and anapsiphobia (fear of sentient entities).