Seam Scaly

Flake suture is a medical term used to describe a special type of surgical suture used in the treatment of certain bone and joint diseases. This seam has some features that distinguish it from other types of seams.

General description of the scaly seam

The scaly suture is performed in a special way, which allows it to fix the bone and ensures its stable fixation in place, and also prevents the development of bone deformation. It consists of four main elements:

- Subfascial space or subfascial scleroto. - A long mata with a cutout, which is called Mata Millusa.

Thus, one of the essential steps of this suture is to create a subfascial space that envelops the edges of the bone, providing a strong adhesion between the bone and tissue. This technology is also widely used to fix bone fractures at an early age.

Seam techniques

One of the main techniques is the formation of subfascial space. The LAD and BNA are intersected around the edges of the bone and the LAD incision is formed over the bend of the bone, while the BNA divides them into the flaps necessary to create the subfascial space. A wide subfascial platform is then formed, covering one and the other edge of the bone. After forming the subfascial platform, the edges of the bone are slightly raised, a suitable size and shape of the hole is formed, and the bone is secured with a hook.

Treatment of parameatal surfaces

Various types of sutures are used to treat the parameatal surface. Some of them are button stitches and continuous stitches. To create a suture, a special needle and fabric are used, which is laid along the edges of the bone using a microclip. They serve to provide strength and stabilization of the fixation of the bone on the surface of the fascia. After connecting it, the suture is fixed inside the bone with a knotted suture.

Recovery period

The healing process of scaly sutures may be slightly longer than conventional sutures for other types of plastic.

The “Scaly” suture is a microsurgical suture that is used to eliminate scars and involutional folds around the eyes.

It is a suture consisting of thin and almost invisible threads, which ensure rapid healing and the absence of noticeable marks. The scaly suture is one of the most effective methods for removing scars around the eye, especially when it comes to deep and old scars.

Scars around the eye are caused by the destruction of the subcutaneous connective tissue that forms the surrounding skin and moisturizes it. When this tissue breaks down, thick scars are created that can be very rough and unsightly. In some cases, the appearance of scarring can lead to difficulty with activities in the area under the eye, such as blinking, reading, and even yawning.

The use of a “scaly” suture occurs as follows: * After a medical examination and consultation with a surgeon, the doctor will determine the type and degree of damaged tissue and select the appropriate treatment method. * To suture the scaly tissue, the doctor, under local anesthesia or without it, will make an incision in the scar several centimeters long.

Due to the cauterization (coagulation) of blood vessels and the anatomical structure of the scar, the scar will grow into the tissue around the area of ​​scar tissue, leaving a small depression about one and a half centimeters in width and length, passing directly through the scar. The width of the recess should not exceed the depth of the seams to be made.

After minor treatment of the affected area of ​​skin, a stitch will be made from the cheekbone down to the corners of the eye socket. To achieve the best results and reduce recovery time after surgery, you should follow your doctor's recommendations and complete the rehabilitation period.

Many patients successfully undergo treatment with suture “scales” and are satisfied with their results. Subject to a thorough examination and determination of the exact extent of tissue damage by a doctor, “Scaly” sutures are an effective and minimally invasive way to treat scars.