Musculo-Elastic Arteries

Muscular-elastic arteries are vessels that provide nutrition to muscles and connective tissue. They are one of the most common arteries in the human body. Muscular elastic arteries are small arteries with thin walls, no more than 1 mm wide. These arteries are found throughout the body, but are especially abundant in muscles, tendons, and fascia. The musculelastic arteries include muscle, elastin fibers and collagen fibers. One of the main functions of the muscle-elastic arteries is the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. When muscles begin to work, blood flow in these arteries increases, which ensures the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the working muscles. Muscle elastic arteries also help reduce or prevent the accumulation of lactic acid in muscles during physical activity.

The main functions of the muscular elastic arteries are:

1. Ensuring the delivery of nutrients and energy to muscle tissue; 2. Decline