
Corticography: The Art of Imagery Using Cortical Movements

In the art world, there are many ways to express creativity and convey emotions. However, there is a unique art form that has recently received more and more attention - corticography. This is a special method based on the use of cortical movements that allows people with disabilities to create stunning works of art.

The word "corticography" consists of two parts: "cortico-", coming from the Latin word "cortex" (bark), and the Greek word "grapho" (to write, depict). Thus, corticography is the art of writing or drawing using the cerebral cortex.

The basic idea behind corticography is that people with limited motor abilities can use their cortical movements to create works of art. Cortical movements include activities such as eye movements, facial movements, head movements, and other movements controlled by the cerebral cortex.

One of the most famous examples of corticography is a technique known as "eye guidance." A person who cannot move their limbs can use eye movements to control a computer cursor, select colors and tools, and create amazing works of art on the screen. This technique gives people with disabilities the opportunity to express their creativity and share their vision of the world through art.

Corticography has enormous potential as a therapeutic tool. Research shows that creating art can have a positive effect on people's physical and psychological well-being. For those who struggle with movement limitations, corticography can be a way to express themselves, strengthen self-esteem, and improve motor skills.

One of the important components of the success of corticography is access to specialized technologies. The development of computer programs and devices capable of recognizing and interpreting cortical movements plays a key role in enhancing creativity for people with physical disabilities. These technologies make it possible to personalize the process of creating art and adapt it to the individual needs of each person. They also promote social inclusion and the creation of communities where people involved in corticography can exchange experiences, be inspired by each other and maintain a creative atmosphere.

Corticography is not only an art, but also a way to raise awareness of issues of inclusion and equality. She helps us rethink what it means to be an artist and expands our understanding of the diversity of human potential. Corticography shows that every person is capable of creating art, regardless of their physical abilities.

In conclusion, corticography is an exciting and modern art movement that opens up new possibilities for people with disabilities. It allows them to express their creativity, develop and find joy in the process of creating art. Corticography encourages inclusivity, broadens the understanding of art, and encourages us to embrace and support the diversity of talent and expression in the art world.

Corticography is a special method in ophthalmology for the functional study of vision, which is a demonstration on an X-ray screen of coordinated movements of the eyes and head recorded in one way or another. Corticography is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to clarify the clinical features of refractive disorders of the visual analyzer in diseases of the nervous system, visual apparatus and intraocular structures to identify paracentral scotomas, as well as to study muscle tone and visual functions located in pairs of gaze. To conduct this study, it is necessary to use a special device - a corti-gograph. It is a multifunctional device that allows you to examine the human eye. Corticography is used for the following diseases:

Visual impairment in children; - Neoplasms in pathological areas of the retina;

- Myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism in combination;

- Diseases of the fundus (including dystrophic);

Inflammatory eye diseases;

Injuries to the optic organ and optic nerves; Ophthalmopathologies in newborns Adolescent ophthalmopathies; Endocrine pathologies; Neurosurgical operations that can affect the condition of the visual system; Diseases of the central nervous system. Research conducted in this way allows us to better understand the clinical picture of diseases and obtain all the necessary information to draw up the most effective treatment plan. Therefore, people suffering from vision problems should be systematically examined using cortiography.