Alveolus of the Lung

The alveoli of the lungs are part of the human respiratory system, which plays an important role in the process of gas exchange. They are small bubbles located in the lungs that serve to exchange gases between air and blood. The alveoli are made up of many thin walls that form a complex network that allows air to pass easily. Each alveolar vesicle is about 0.2-0.3 mm in size and is surrounded by a network of capillaries through which gases are exchanged.

The alveolar structure of the lungs ensures high efficiency of gas exchange and allows a person to breathe more deeply and fully. However, if the alveoli are damaged or affected by various diseases, it can lead to serious health problems such as shortness of breath, coughing and even death.

The alveoli of the lung are also important for the human immune system. They produce antibodies that protect the body from infections and diseases. In addition, the alveolar walls contain large numbers of macrophages, which engulf and destroy bacteria and other foreign particles.

To maintain healthy lungs and alveoli, you need to monitor your lifestyle and diet. It is important to avoid smoking as it can damage the alveolar structure and cause various lung diseases. It is also necessary to monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood, since high levels of this substance can lead to narrowing of the alveoli and disruption of gas exchange.

In conclusion, the alveoli of the lungs are an important element of the human respiratory system and play a key role in the exchange of gases and maintaining the immune system. To maintain lung health, you need to monitor your lifestyle, diet and blood cholesterol levels.

Lung alveoli (lat. alveoli pulmonum fpl - respiratory sacs, lobules, vesicles) are a structural and functional unit of lung tissue in higher vertebrates and humans.

Alveolar lungs or waxy lungs (from Latin ala vella; s beeswax, gum tree; Greek láythos wax, wax, resin, balm; larvin. “white lung” or laryn. “pulmonary”) is a type of pulmonary respiration. The alveolar type of respiration occurs in many birds and mammals. An example of an alveolar is the system of pulmonary vesicles in mammals and birds. Also, in the process of evolution, the function of the lung alveoli was inherited by corals. They began to use a pulmonary breathing system in which oxygen