Myofilament Thick

Myophilamthus, or myophyllanths or myotanium, as well as cross grass, karakurt (lat. Liphántus crássus) is a type of flagellated bacteria, widespread in the soils of tropical and subtropical regions. In 2016, it was first identified in Russia in the Khabarovsk Territory, in the pine forest of the island and mainland littorals of the Amur Bay and the village of Chernaya Rechka. Bacteria of the genus Lophanthus were discovered back in the 19th century. Now there are about 50 species of these bacteria. Myophilamites are symbionts that have chosen various structures of the host body, mainly plant roots. The basidiomas they form in the outer layer of the roots (rhizosphere) are called myoliomas