
Apophysiolysis is the separation of the apophysis of a bone from its body. The apophysis is the projection of bone to which muscle tendons or ligaments are attached.

Causes of apophysiolysis:

  1. overload of the musculoskeletal system during sports or physical labor

  2. injuries

  3. metabolic disorders in the body

  4. hormonal disorders during puberty

Apophysiolysis occurs most often in adolescents and athletes. In adolescents, it is associated with rapid bone growth against the background of high physical activity.

Clinical manifestations:

  1. pain in the area of ​​the damaged apophysis

  2. limited joint mobility

  3. swelling and hyperemia of the skin

Diagnosis is based on medical history, clinical picture and radiographic results.

Treatment of apophysiolysis is conservative and includes: limitation of physical activity, physiotherapy, massage. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be required - refixation of the apophysis.

The prognosis with timely treatment is favorable. Full recovery occurs in 2-4 months.

Apophysiolysis is the separation of the apophysis of a bone (the area where muscle tendons or ligaments attach) from the base of the bone.

This disease occurs mainly in adolescents during the period of active growth. The cause of apophysiolysis is the increased load on the apophysis during sports. Most often, apophyses in the spine, hip joints, shoulder joints, and knee joints are affected.

Clinically, apophysiolysis is manifested by pain at the site of separation of the apophysis, which intensifies with exercise. Diagnosed using radiography. The x-ray shows a line of rupture between the apophysis and the bone.

Treatment for apophyseolysis involves immobilizing the limb in a plaster cast or orthosis for several weeks. If necessary, painkillers are prescribed. After fusion of the apophysis, a gradual resumption of physical activity is recommended. The prognosis is favorable; with adequate treatment, complete recovery occurs.