Apoplexy Brain

In medicine, cerebral apoplexy (apoplexy) means acute hemorrhage in brain tissue. As a result of the effusion, blood clots - hematomas - form in the brain matter. Their sizes may vary. Acute blood loss causes the development of hemorrhagic stroke or hemorrhagic apoplexy of the brain. Most often, cerebral hemorrhages occur due to arterial hypertension. When diagnosing lesions in the brain, the doctor may diagnose hemorrhagic stroke or ischemic stroke.

The most favorable conditions for the progression of apoplexy are created when a person does not have vascular pathologies and congenital disorders associated with their work. Arterial hypertension also leads to the occurrence of apoplexy hemorrhages in the brain. In addition, the development of apoplexy is promoted by atherosclerosis, vascular tumors, diabetes mellitus, and sickle cell anemia. Another reason is mechanical damage to blood vessels. The cause of hemorrhage is a sudden rupture of an artery, which occurs with a rapid increase in blood pressure. Most often, apoplexy develops due to a discrepancy in the patient’s vascular resistance to external pressure. A person has vascular formations that arise as a result of hypertension; there are fewer such changes in the walls of blood vessels. Pathological bends of blood vessels are activated by the active influence of pressure surges on the vessels, this does not depend on whether the elevated levels are normal or not. Impaired vascular tightness is a consequence of progressive arteriosclerosis. The above pathological processes lead to the fact that a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels of the brain ends with the breakthrough of blood into the cavity of the cranium. In addition, this is facilitated by an increase in blood pressure or an increase in intracranial

Introduction: Cerebral apoplexy is an emergency condition that occurs as a result of an acute circulatory disorder in the brain. This condition can lead to serious consequences, including death, if help is not provided promptly. In this article we will look at the causes of cerebral apoplexy, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Causes of cerebral apoplexy: Apoplexy is a consequence of acute atherothrombosis or atherosclerotic vascular damage. In addition, pathology can develop with dissection of the walls of blood vessels, vein thrombosis, or increased fragility of the walls of blood vessels under the influence of degenerative changes. The pathological process can be caused by other diseases: pulmonary emphysema, heart failure, nephrosclerosis, respiratory failure, etc. Provoking factors are the inflammatory process, infection, autoimmune stress. The main causes of the pathology are congenital predisposition, old age of the man and hormonal imbalance. Disturbances are also observed in women. An attack can be triggered by physical overexertion, smoking, alcohol abuse, cardiovascular diseases, and high blood pressure. The risk of developing apoplexy stroke increases after traumatic brain injury. The cause of pathology is the formation of new vascular connections or the development of existing ones.