Heart-lung machine

AIK is a high-tech equipment created for the treatment of patients with impaired blood supply to various organs, as well as during limb replantation. The essence of the procedure is that the blood vessels of the patient connected to the device are transferred into it for the duration of the operation and replace the damaged vessel. In order to compensate for blood loss during surgery, infusion therapy with blood replacement solutions is usually used. Let us describe the stages of AIC in more detail:

After the preparatory procedures, the patient is hospitalized in advance so that the operation can begin immediately after the operation. Warming or the use of drugs (antispasmodics, antibiotics) to increase blood flow are not needed. Click on the picture to enlarge it and then press, hold down the CTRL key and use the mouse wheel to change the scale to zoom out and vice versa: 1 - left subclavian artery; 2 - subclavian vein, superimposed on the right limb; 3 - the right subclavian vein is isolated; 4 - the internal mammary vein is diverted upward; A small access is formed above the collarbone 5 - to the 8th intercostal space on the left side of the chest, a longitudinal dissection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue is performed; muscle layers of the race