Mayo Operation

Mayo operation

The Mayo operation is a surgical procedure named after the American surgeons William James Mayo (1861-1939) and Charles Horatio Mayo (1865-1939). The Mayo brothers founded the famous Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and made major contributions to the development of surgery.

The Mayo procedure involves removing the diseased part of the stomach (most often the antrum and pylorus) followed by gastrojejunostomy. This allows you to maintain gastric patency and prevent the development of pyloric stenosis.

Indications for Mayo surgery are gastric ulcer complicated by pyloric stenosis, as well as some tumors of the antrum. The advantage of this intervention is the radical elimination of the ulcerative process and the restoration of normal passage of food through the stomach.

Thus, the operation proposed by the Mayo brothers is still an effective method of surgical treatment of stomach diseases. It allows you to save a significant part of the organ and avoid the development of severe complications.

***May's operation* ** - a surgical intervention proposed in 1902 by American surgeon Charles Mason and Jacob Mayotte, is based on a simple method of restoring a lost limb by connecting vessels above and below the level of damage. By inserting a temporary vein prosthesis into the lower part of the main artery, the main vessels entering the knee can be connected through it. On the one hand, a small distal vessel filled with blood from the femoral artery is inserted into the subclavian vein through the anastomosis. Elimination of such blood circulation leads to damage to the knee joint. This can be done by any organ, the main condition is that the damage must be located high enough to preserve the arteries and veins of the tendons. The lesions must be properly lined with leather or artificial materials. In addition to arteries, veins and nerves. This reconstruction is performed solely to improve the situation after a knee injury, so this method is not sufficient to maintain the bone. Mayo showed that this method worked successfully as an experimental operation, but not without difficulties. *Bone is a very important component of the human body and is necessary for movement. Therefore, surgery to restore it is very important for patients. Although there are many successful results, there are limitations that come with Mayo surgery. Generally, it is not considered suitable for those who suffer from a lost joint due to an accident, or for those patients who require limited mobility of the knee. If you are considering Mayo surgery, be sure to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure with your healthcare provider before visiting your doctor. It brings significant improvement to many people.