Device for blackheads on the face

Doctors are already tired of shouting with one voice that you should not squeeze out pimples and blackheads with your hands. This can lead to dire consequences, including skin abscess. If a person has such a problem as black spots on the face, then it needs to be eliminated correctly. You can use a special device for blackheads, but it is even better to identify the cause of their occurrence and eliminate them.

Therefore, before talking about which device to remove blackheads should be used at home, it is necessary to say a few words about the causes of this cosmetic defect.

Causes of blackheads on the face

There are various reasons for the appearance of blackheads on the face. The most common is impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands. They begin to produce too much sebum, causing the pores to become clogged and stop breathing. As a result, the skin acquires an unhealthy color, as it is constantly lacking oxygen, and begins to age quickly.

The following factors can provoke disruption of the sebaceous glands:

  1. hypovitaminosis (deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body as a result of poor nutrition);
  2. diabetes;
  3. oncological diseases;
  4. hormonal disorders;
  5. pathology of the thyroid gland.

All these diseases are quite serious and affect all processes occurring in the body. And even if you use the best and most modern device for blackheads, it will not help eliminate the problem until the cause is eliminated. In addition, it should be noted that the functioning of the sebaceous glands can be influenced by factors such as the use of low-quality cosmetics and the use of certain medications.

Therefore, if numerous blackheads appear on the face, you need to seek help from a doctor to determine the exact cause of their occurrence and undergo comprehensive treatment.

What devices can be used at home to remove blackheads?

The most popular device for removing acne and blackheads that can be used at home is the Uno spoon. It is a small metal rod with a loop at the end. It is applied to the pimple, pressed on the skin and with a sliding movement lowered down or moved to the side.

But before using such a device for blackheads on the nose and chin, it is necessary to carry out a preparatory procedure. First you need to cleanse the skin of impurities and steam it. And the tool for removing acne and blackheads should be treated with some kind of disinfectant, for example, alcohol. And only after that you can start cleansing your face.

After the procedure, you need to wash your face under running water (it should be cool, this will help relieve irritation) and make some kind of mask to tighten the pores (for example, egg or gelatin).

To eliminate blackheads on the face, you can use a vacuum device. Its use is much more painless than using a Uno spoon. You just need to bring the nozzle to the blackheads and turn on the device. He says the vacuum cleaner will pull out all the dirt. At the same time, the use of a vacuum device allows for the deepest cleansing of the face, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

It should be noted that a vacuum device against blackheads also helps to improve facial contours, eliminate swelling and tighten the skin. In addition, it has practically no contraindications, other than ulcerative formations on the skin and open wounds. And its use at home does not require additional consultation with a doctor.

It is also necessary to talk about the effectiveness of ultrasonic devices for removing blackheads. Using ultrasound, they help restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which they begin to produce less subcutaneous fat and blackheads disappear.

But in addition to this, ultrasound devices ensure normalization of blood circulation and metabolic processes, which improves the condition of the skin several times. However, at home they should be used very carefully and before use you should carefully read the instructions, paying special attention to the “contraindications” section.

If you want to get rid of blackheads, then you should first seek help from a cosmetologist. He will give you a deep facial cleansing and tell you what devices you can use at home to remove blackheads. Moreover, he will be able to show you by example how to use them correctly so as not to harm your skin.

Well, if you have set yourself the goal of once and for all removing acne and blackheads from your face, then you need to contact a dermatologist. He will do all the necessary tests, determine the cause of the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Video about ways to cleanse your face of blackheads

The appearance of acne on the skin is an almost irreversible effect in the body of every person at a certain age. There are hundreds of ways to get rid of so-called comedones. But during treatment it is allowed to use specialized tools to remove acne. The patient only needs to choose the right device, depending on the nature of the skin rash itself. Most often, tools are used to remove comedones on the face.

What causes acne on the face

Before we look at the tool for removing blackheads, let's talk about the common reasons for their formation. Perhaps you will understand that in your particular case you can get rid of problems by simply eliminating the factor that caused the formations to appear. So, comedones are most often formed due to:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. The most common reason. Blackheads often form during adolescence, when the body's hormonal rhythm is unstable. It is impossible to fight this cause, so you can influence the inflammation itself. This is where the device comes in handy. Naturally, if the doctor allows you to use it yourself.
  2. Insufficient skin care. The sebaceous canals become contaminated with sweat, dust and dead cells, causing blackheads to appear. Before using a blackhead remover, try changing your approach to cleansing your skin. Perhaps in your case you can still get rid of the problem by simply choosing a different product for cleaning the dermis.
  3. Hypovitaminosis. We are talking about a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Most often, the reason for this is poor nutrition and consumption of low-quality genetically modified foods. You can use a cleaning device, but the main thing is to completely review your diet. A dermatologist will help you create an individual menu that will improve the condition of your skin. The treatment may take a long time, so a tool for squeezing out pimples will definitely not be superfluous.
  4. Diabetes mellitus. This can also be a consequence of poor and unhealthy diet. Of course, the device can be used in this case, but you need to understand that appearance fades into the background with such a pathology. The disease is quite serious, so attention needs to be concentrated on it. You will have to visit several doctors, and it is recommended to contact a dermatologist last.
  5. Oncological pathologies. Cancerous tumors can stimulate the sebaceous glands and cause blackheads to appear anywhere on the body. Now you understand that comedones are not just a “whim” of the body. Such rashes can be a signal of the development of a serious illness that may even threaten your life. The body is weakened, so using a stick to remove blackheads is not recommended.

What tools can be used to remove comedones?

Developers are taking advantage of the situation and are offering more and more new devices that help eliminate visible problems. This is also good news for the patients themselves, since the variety allows them to choose an option that is suitable for a particular person in all respects. Popular devices include the following:

  1. Spoon Uno. The standard version, the very first to appear on the market. An ordinary mechanical tool consisting of a metal rod (handle) and a loop of the same material as a tip. The loop is placed on the inflammation itself. By pressing the pen on this place, you compress the sebaceous canal, causing the contents to come out. A blackhead spoon is suitable when your skin is affected by single formations. To remove the rash, it is better to pay attention to other options.

The Uno spoon allows you to squeeze out even those blackheads whose contents are deep under the skin. The main thing is to apply the product to the skin at the right angle and press with the right force. See how the device works in the video below:

  1. Spoon for removing rashes. The second tool really resembles an ordinary spoon. It was developed on the basis of the previous device, but allows you to act on several tumors at once, thanks to its correct structure. It uses the same metal pen, but instead of a blackhead removal loop, it uses a tip shaped like a smaller regular spoon with miniature round holes. The device is applied to several rashes at once, and their contents are brought out using the same pressure on a metal handle. The principle is absolutely identical to the previous version.
  2. Vacuum facial cleanser. Compared to the Uno spoon, it is an innovative development. Powered by electricity. The plastic body resembles a small razor, but the tip has a slightly modified form factor. The principle of operation of a vacuum device for removing acne is similar to a regular vacuum cleaner. You just need to bring the tip of the device to the inflammation and press the button. The tool literally sucks out all the contents from the sebaceous canal. Unlike the comedone remover loop, the vacuum remedy is less painful. After it, there are no pressure marks left on the skin, and the cleaning itself is deeper.

Any blackhead removal tool can be equally useful and dangerous. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before using it.

Representatives of the fair sex try to carefully monitor the condition of their skin and their appearance in general. As we all know, salon facial treatments are overpriced, and many girls cannot afford it, so it is for such cases that a pore cleanser was invented. Its peculiarity is that at absolutely any time of the day or night, its owner can cleanse the face of dirt and remove from the pores the remnants of cosmetics that makeup removers cannot remove.

Today, in our article, we are choosing the best vacuum pore cleanser for the face: TOP 7 rating, reviews, prices, as well as a description of the range presented.


What it is

The beautiful half of humanity is divided into 2 types: some use a vacuum cleaner, while others do not know what it is. Let's figure out together the purpose of this device and its wonderful properties.

So, a vacuum pore cleanser is a device designed for high-quality cleansing of the face from sebaceous plugs, impurities and acne.

Of course, there are special masks and peelings that cleanse the skin of impurities. But their effect is not as strong as from a vacuum. It’s as if it sucks out all the impurities and their formations from the roots like a vacuum cleaner.

After the first use, you can notice a clear transformation of the face, tightening and smoothing of the skin, and its cleansing of comedones.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any similar facial cleansing device has its positive and negative qualities. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of a vacuum pore cleaner.


  1. effective cleansing of the skin from impurities;
  2. lymphatic drainage function clearly improves;
  3. Acne, blackheads, and cosmetic residues are completely eliminated;
  4. preservation of the epidermis in its original state;
  5. suitable even for sensitive dermis;
  6. pores are cleansed in the most inaccessible places (the wings of the nose, the chin);
  7. resists swelling;
  8. does not infect delicate and sensitive skin;
  9. Some devices not only cleanse the facial skin, but also rejuvenate it.


  1. after using a vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to maintain the condition of the skin with various masks and peelings, otherwise the face will quickly become dirty again;
  2. not suitable for people who have vascular diseases;
  3. prohibited for dry skin.

Rating of the TOP 7 best vacuum pore cleaners

Among the huge range of vacuum cleaner offers, we have selected 7 of the highest quality. So, this list includes:

Let's proceed to a detailed description of the assortment.

Huasien MR-HBC-6

This device is distinguished by its compactness and relatively low price. Powered by AA – 1.5 V battery, which is not included. The presented cleaner shows good results if used regularly. It cleanses pores of dirt, evens out the skin, giving it a natural shine and radiance.

Safety approved by dermatologists and cosmetologists
Effect clear skin after 2-3 applications
Modes 1
A country China

Price tag: from 303 to 380 rubles.


  1. removes dirt from pores;
  2. smoothes the skin;
  3. gives a natural glow.


  1. does not remove acne and blackheads;
  2. no mode switching.

I tried cleaning it for 5 applications, and the result became a little noticeable. The vacuum is too weak and does not fully remove all contaminants, but there is still an effect. For such a price, it’s not a pity to try it. I will continue to use it, I hope the results will get even better.


The presented device is marked by power and number of switching modes. Ideally sucks out all dirt, uncleaned cosmetics and acne. It comes with 4 attachments that not only cleanse the face, but also provide a light massage and soothe the skin. After use, the attachments must be disinfected.

Safety recommended by dermatologists
Effect clear skin after 3 uses
Modes 4
A country China

Cost: from 836 to 900 rubles.


  1. powerful battery (1000mA);
  2. gently cleanses the skin of impurities;
  3. Comes with 4 nozzles.


  1. There is some redness after use, but it goes away soon.

A powerful device that cleans efficiently and effectively. There are absolutely no complaints about the work. Gently makes massage movements and does not harm the skin at all. The result is noticeable already after 1-2 applications, the face becomes smoother and silkier.


The inexpensive device is famous for its effective cleaning and very modern design. The thin handle of the cleaner fits comfortably in your hand and makes it easy to use. Operates on 2 AA batteries, but the device is not included. The cleanser effectively cleanses pores of impurities, blackheads and blackheads. The dermis after it is smooth and velvety.

Modes 1
A country China
Effect slows down aging, cleanses the skin of impurities
Safety tested by dermatologists and cosmetologists

Price: from 600 to 650 rubles.


  1. slows down the aging process;
  2. evens out skin tone;
  3. effectively cleanses pores;
  4. comfortable handle (fits comfortably in the hand);


A good device for cleaning pores from blackheads. Works like a vacuum cleaner, pulling out dirt and ripe pimples. It cannot remove only existing inflammations, but this cleaner does not provide this function. In general, the device pleases with its capabilities.


A device designed for professional facial cleansing. Includes bio-pen, ultrasonic cleaner, cold hammer and oxygen sprayer. The device contains a patented deep vacuum massage technology. Serves as an effective cleanser of pores and disinfection of the skin.

For ease of use, the purifier kit includes a display that will help you understand its functionality. The constant use of this device is based on improving skin microcirculation, cleansing and rejuvenation.

Effect promotes high-quality removal of any impurities and acne, rejuvenates and tightens the dermis
Safety recommended by dermatologists and cosmetologists
Modes 6
Production China

Price tag: from 17,000 to 17,500 rubles.


  1. ensures skin cell regeneration;
  2. removes pimples that have not yet matured;
  3. includes the possibility of dry and wet cleaning;
  4. clears comedones and acne.


The quality fully justifies the obscenely expensive price. Professional facial cleansing at home is guaranteed to you! It perfectly removes all the dirt accumulated over a long time, removes acne, and even gives a rejuvenation effect. The skin becomes smooth and incredibly pleasant to the touch.


This device perfectly treats all areas of the face and has a positive effect on the overall condition of the skin. The package includes 5 modes that carefully cleanse pores of blackheads and blackheads. Suitable for delicate and sensitive skin. Thanks to its high power (5 W), the device allows you to acquire renewed, smooth skin for a long time.

Safety Dermatologist tested
Modes 5
Production China
Effect clear skin, no blackheads

Price list: from 2762 to 3000 rub..


  1. suitable for sensitive skin;
  2. effectively removes any contaminants;
  3. high power (5 W).


  1. slight redness after use.

An effective device at a relatively inexpensive cost. Despite its high power, it is quite gentle on the skin of the face. Clears blackheads, removes pimples and blackheads. You feel a pleasant tingling sensation after use. I'm happy with the purchase.


An excellent model that effectively cleanses both young and mature skin. The cleanser has 4 nozzles, 5 interchangeable modes and a small monitor that helps you perform pore cleansing actions. Quite simple use, which is accomplished through 2 buttons located near the monitor. The device improves blood circulation, refreshes the skin and cleanses it.

Safety tested by cosmetologists and dermatologists
Modes 5
A country China
Effect cleanses pores, makes skin more elastic

Price: from 2073 to 2350 RUR.


  1. tightens facial skin;
  2. improves color;
  3. cleanses pores of blackheads.


High-quality and inexpensive powder cleaner. My whole family uses it. Effectively cleanses pores and smoothes the face, making it softer and silkier. The result is noticeable already from the 3rd application. I am pleased.

May KL

This cleanser is ideal not only for the face, but also for the body. The model is equipped with 12 nozzles and a small monitor on the purifier body. The device perfectly polishes the skin and removes all impurities from it. Removes acne and softens the skin. A universal product suitable for absolutely any skin type.

Manufacturer China
Effect polishes and cleanses the skin
Safety recommended by dermatologists
Modes 8

Price: from 2378 to 2550 rubles.


  1. polishes the skin;
  2. removes all contaminants;
  3. Effectively removes dead skin cells from the dermis.


My favorite device, I’ve been using it for a year now and have no skin problems at all. Removes impurities and pimples. Ideal for the body. The face after it is soft and velvety. Thank you.

Comparison table of the presented models

In order to compare the presented products, we suggest looking at the table with their characteristics.

Model Manufacturer Effect Safety Number of modes Price, rub)
Huasien MR-HBC-6 China clear skin after 2-3 applications approved by dermatologists and cosmetologists 1 from 303 to 380
AOPHIA China clear skin after 3 uses recommended by dermatologists 4 from 836 to 900
PILATEN China slows down aging, cleanses the skin of impurities tested by dermatologists and cosmetologists 1 from 600 to 650
FGHGF China promotes high-quality removal of any impurities and acne, rejuvenates and tightens the dermis recommended by dermatologists and cosmetologists 6 from 17000 to 17500
SWINONLINE (WD-876) China clear skin, no blackheads Dermatologist tested 5 from 2762 to 3000
Hailicare China cleanses pores, makes skin more elastic tested by cosmetologists and dermatologists 5 from 2073 to 2350
May KL China polishes and cleanses the skin recommended by dermatologists 8 from 2378 to 2550

How to use it correctly

Any such device for cleansing pores must involve proper use. Below are a few points on using the device. Having studied them, you will achieve the desired result many times faster.

  1. Before using a vacuum cleaner, be sure to clean your face with foam or other cleansers. This action expands the pores and helps get rid of blackheads completely.
  2. Slowly move the device over your face, stopping at areas with a high content of blackheads (nose, chin).
  3. Do not exceed the facial cleansing procedure 5-7 minutes.
  4. At the end of the procedure, wash with cool water and use paper towels instead of regular ones.
  5. Treat face tonic, designed for your skin type.
  6. Use this device no more than 2-3 times a week.
  7. Do not use the cleaner on open wounds or inflammations.

What to look for when choosing

To purchase a quality product, you need to know and take into account some features.

  1. Features of the skin. This device is not suitable for dry skin. First you need to put it in order and properly moisturize it.
  2. Types of epidermal problems.These devices exist for different skin problems. Therefore, you should first decide on the purpose of the device and consult with a consultant when purchasing.
  3. Pore ​​Cleaner Dimensions. A large model that does not fit in your hand will simply be impossible to use. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the dimensions of the device.
  4. Buy the device a well-known brand or in a popular store. If the purifier breaks down, it will be easier for you to return or exchange the product, since upon initial purchase, the seller undertakes to provide you with a receipt and warranty card.