How to get pus out of a pimple on your face

Acne is the most common dermatological disease, from which no one is immune. Various factors can influence the appearance of acne. When inflammation occurs in the affected area, pain may occur. In order for quick relief to occur, it is important to know how to draw pus out of a pimple. After it breaks through, all unpleasant symptoms disappear and the process of tissue regeneration begins. Medications and folk remedies will tell you how to speed up this process.

Why do acne occur?

The main reasons why acne appears on the face are the following external and internal factors:

  1. hormonal changes;
  2. poor nutrition;
  3. frequent stress;
  4. the presence of chronic pathologies;
  5. overweight;
  6. taking medications.

When a woman is carrying a baby, there are surges associated with hormones. Against this background, dermatological problems often arise. The same applies to adolescents and women during menopause.

If you frequently abuse junk food and alcohol, you should expect acne to appear soon. This is due not only to the fact that dishes such as fast food, fatty, fried and spicy foods are oversaturated with toxins that begin to be released through the dermis, but also because products from this category activate the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands.

As a result, a large amount of sebum begins to be released, which clogs the ducts, preventing the epidermis from breathing fully. In addition, due to sebum, many bacteria accumulate in the pores, which provoke an inflammatory process in the dermis.

Chronic pathologies lead to malfunctions of the entire body, including improper functioning of the hormonal system. This is instantly reflected in the condition of the skin. The same applies to excess body weight.

Antibiotics and hormonal drugs are also directly related to the condition of the dermis. Antibacterial therapy leads to the death of beneficial bacteria, as a result of which pathogenic microflora begins to actively multiply, which includes the population of staphylococci - the main culprits of acne. There is no need to talk about how hormonal therapy affects the dermis. Drugs of this type also lead to changes in the functioning of the endocrine system, resulting in acne.

How to deal with the problem?

Both pharmacy and handy home remedies can help pull out a pimple at home faster. They help to launch a faster process of maturation of the inflammatory process, as a result of which the pus soon comes out. The pulling property of antibacterial agents helps get rid of suppuration and the occurrence of furunculosis.


The following topical agents are used to draw out suppuration:

  1. "Baziron AS";
  2. "Streptotsid liniment";
  3. "Vishnevsky ointment";
  4. "Ichthyl ointment";
  5. "Bodyaga";
  6. "Skinoren";
  7. "Salicylic acid";
  8. "Boric alcohol";
  9. "Levosin".

"Baziron AS" is one of the most effective drugs prescribed in the treatment of acne. In addition, it allows you to quickly draw out pus on the face from a pimple. Its main medicinal substance is benzoyl, which allows you to actively fight bacteria. The product inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora, as a result of which the inflammatory process begins to subside, and its remains begin to come to the surface in the form of pus.

The drug is used up to two times a day, having previously cleansed the skin of impurities and disinfected them.

Contraindications for use include pregnancy and lactation. It is also not recommended to use the product in children under twelve years of age.

Streptocide liniment is an affordable way to pull out an inflamed pimple. This antiseptic drug should be treated with the inflamed area several times a day.

The fastest and most effective way to draw out accumulated pus from a pimple is the well-known “Vishnevsky Ointment”. Liniment is applied to the affected area and a bandage is applied on top. You need to walk with it for half a day, after which it is removed for the same period of time. After 24 hours, the treatment procedures are carried out again. This is one of the most effective methods to quickly get rid of the problem.

The main contraindication to the use of the drug is impaired renal function, so it is better not to use the drug for patients with chronic renal pathologies.

Salicylic acid and boric alcohol help to effectively disinfect the inflamed surface and allow the abscess to mature faster.

"Levosin" has proven itself in the treatment of ulcers. This is an inexpensive but very effective drug that allows you to quickly eliminate the problem.

Home Remedies

The following home remedies can help solve your dermatological problem:

  1. aloe;
  2. honey;
  3. bread cake;
  4. potato:
  5. baked onion;
  6. tincture of calendula or chamomile.

The indoor aloe plant copes well with any kind of suppuration and infected wounds. It is enough to apply a sheet of it daily to the inflamed area and fix it with a bandage.

Aloe juice with honey can help solve the problem. Both natural components are mixed in equal quantities. Soak a sterile gauze pad or cotton pad with the product. Apply a bandage for 24 hours. If after this period the abscess has not opened, the procedure is repeated again. Usually up to three such procedures are enough for the suppuration to disappear.

Raw potatoes help eliminate an easily looming dermatological problem. To do this, you need to grate the product using a fine grater and apply it to the sore spot, securing it with a band-aid or any other convenient way. These dressings need to be changed at least every couple of hours.

Baked onions have not only anti-inflammatory, but also excellent stretching properties. In order to prepare the product, it must first be washed and peeled. After the preparatory stage, the onion vegetable is placed in the oven or in the microwave for baking. After this, the finished, cooled pulp is applied to the sore spot, secured with a sterile bandage. The product should be changed at least every three hours. The pus usually breaks out after a few days.

An excellent folk remedy for relieving inflammation is ordinary bread crumb. To increase the therapeutic effect, the bread cake is mixed with melted honey. After this, the combined components are applied to the affected area and left to act for a day. The abscess should break out soon. The procedure is carried out until the problem goes away completely.

Alcohol tinctures made from calendula or St. John's wort have proven themselves to be effective in home treatment. Such products have excellent antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and stretching properties.

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent the appearance of ulcerative rashes than to treat it later. The following preventive measures will help prevent their occurrence:

  1. timely treatment of chronic diseases;
  2. maintaining proper nutrition;
  3. taking probiotics after antibiotic therapy;
  4. proper skin care.

If it was still not possible to prevent the problem, the means described above will help solve the problem. If persistent and multiple ulcers appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The initial examination should be done by a dermatologist, who can prescribe all the necessary tests and then refer you for consultation to specialized specialists. Timely identification of the cause will help to avoid serious dermatological consequences.

Each person's appearance is individual, but no matter what it is, it requires care. The face is a business card that you need to monitor and not ignore the manifestations that the skin signals.

It happens that a seemingly harmless pimple develops into a wound. A deep subcutaneous purulent pimple becomes inflamed in those places where many sebaceous glands are located.

Here the question arises, how to draw pus out of a pimple and find an effective way to do this, especially if the pimple breaks out?

To cure an immature or ripening boil, you can use an ointment; an effective method would be an ichthyol compress or a potato applied to the site of inflammation. Levomekol will also help you get rid of a pimple on your own and resolve it; the only condition is that you need to apply it at night to the affected area of ​​the body.

These methods make it possible to quickly remove a dense boil.

A home treatment method will also give results if you use Vishnevsky liniment; this medicine has long taken root in medicine cabinets and is considered perhaps the best folk remedy. If none of the above helps, then a surgeon should open the pimple, and he will also help to understand the reasons for the appearance of an internal pimple.

Antibacterial agents

The main purpose of antibacterial agents is to suppress bacteria that cause disease and accelerate healing. They do an excellent job of getting rid of pus, but at the same time they do not pull it out of a ripening pimple. Consequently, the treatment time can be long, up to several months. Answering the question of how to effectively draw pus out of a pimple, there are several popular remedies.

Among them:

  1. Baziron As.
  2. Zenerite.
  3. Streptocide liniment.

Baziron is a drug that significantly reduces the synthesis of sebum, thereby improving microcirculation processes in tissues. Use the gel twice a day, morning and evening after using the toilet. There is no need to wash off the applied composition; it should absorb and dry on its own. The course of treatment can be up to

Zinerit is a complex drug that has antibiotic properties, which is contained in the medicine along with zinc. The course of treatment is to apply the product 2 times in the morning and evening to skin cleansed before the procedure. Streptocide - used for large affected areas.

It is an antimicrobial agent. Used directly on affected areas. The product is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the pimple. You need to repeat the manipulations once a day, the results are visible after 3 days.

Among the equally popular and effective drugs, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment.
  2. Ichthyol ointment.
  3. Salicylic acid.
  4. Badyaga.
  5. Skinoren-gel.
  6. Azogel.

Vishnevsky ointment can force pus out of even very deep pimples located under the skin. The treatment process is that the ointment penetrates the fatty tissue, softening the epithelium, kills microbes, normalizes blood circulation at the point of injury and removes purulent exudate. Ichthyol ointment has a similar effect.

The purpose of the drug is to remove pus from deep boils. Salicylic acid, which is an antiseptic, is also capable of penetrating deeply. It is worth applying the acid precisely three times a day; pre-treat the application areas with hydrogen peroxide. It is worth using the product until the rash on the skin disappears completely.

Tissue regeneration and increased blood circulation are ways to treat Badyagi’s acne. It can irritate foci of the inflammatory process and thereby draw out pus more quickly. The last 2 drugs also do an excellent job of fighting germs and narrowing pores. Gels are expensive, but highly effective. Inflammation is treated by applying the product once a day to the site of inflammation. The healing process begins in a week or two.

When solving the problem of how to draw pus out of a pimple, you cannot leave behind folk remedies, such as:

  1. aloe;
  2. tincture of calendula;
  3. potato tubers;
  4. St. John's wort;
  5. iodine;
  6. sea ​​water.

Aloe is considered a remedy that copes well with drawing out pus, and with inflammatory processes, and with tissue healing. For treatment, fresh leaves of the plant are used, which are cut in half and the pulp is applied to the pimples. The compress should be bandaged and left overnight. If the boil is deep, you need to carry out several procedures in a row. Alcohol tincture of calendula is a well-known antiseptic that also relieves inflammation. But you should know that this method dries out the skin.

To use the folk remedy, you will need a cotton swab soaked in it, which is applied to the inflammation. Keep the compress overnight. In the morning you can see that the tincture has coped with the task. Remains of pus on the surface must be removed using a disinfectant. Potato tubers should be used if there is no other remedy at hand. Due to the starch content in potatoes, the inflammatory process subsides, and pus gradually comes out of the pimple. You need to use grated potatoes and apply them as a compress.

It is recommended to keep it for at least several hours. Ideally, leave it overnight. St. John's wort is used as an infusion. For this, 2 tbsp. l. dry plant pour 2 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Afterwards you need to strain the tincture and make lotions. St. John's wort is good because it stops inflammatory processes, reduces skin irritation and draws out pus. It is recommended to apply the lotion overnight.

Treatment of acne with iodine involves applying liquid to the site of inflammation. You can't do iodine compresses! Treatment will be effective if you lubricate acne at night. You need to repeat the procedure until the pimple and pus in it disappear. When there are no medications at hand and the problem has not been solved, then you can use sea water. Lotions are made from it, which are applied to the sore spot about 5 times a day. The salt contained in the water can remove the boil, at the same time carry out disinfection and increase the rate of tissue regeneration.


Numerous reviews of people facing the problem of acne confirm that there are quite a lot of ways to treat such a problem; you just need to choose among all the ones that are most suitable for a specific situation.

Svetlana, 36 years old. I am sharing my opinion on acne treatment. Personally, I like aloe leaves, I apply it at night, take a hot bath in the morning and the pimple bursts. If it is very deep, then once may not be enough, I repeat the procedure the next day. I also tried Ichthyol ointment, the result was the same.

Irina, 47 years old. I tried the effects of Baziron As on myself. I really liked the action. At first there was dryness, but it quickly passed and did not appear in any way on the appearance. The pimples quickly disappeared and did not appear in this place again. It is better to apply the product to completely dry skin in a thin layer. I really liked the effect, it’s quite a strong medicine. I recommend it.

Peter, 20 years old. I suffered from acne since I was 14 years old, especially since I loved squeezing them out all the time. But lately I have been breaking out a lot, especially with a lot of deep pimples. I fight them with Badyaga. The smell, of course, is not very pleasing, but I really like the result. I use it this way: I dilute Badyaga and hydrogen peroxide until the liquid foams, and then I spread it on my face, wait 10 minutes and wash it off. There is no need to hold it longer because it may burn the skin. This mask helped me a lot, my face began to transform.

How to get pus out of a pimple? Many people face this problem. Acne makes the skin unsightly and can leave scars and blemishes on the skin. To pull pus out of a pimple and not have to deal with this problem again, it is not enough to use folk or pharmaceutical remedies once. We need to find out what led to the appearance of acne on the face and try to prevent recurrence by taking skin care measures. One of the most common causes of acne is poor personal hygiene. Hormonal imbalances and changes in the body cannot be avoided. That is why teenagers and pregnant women most often experience purulent acne.

Anyone who wants to get rid of acne should under no circumstances try to squeeze them.

Drawing out pus in this way will lead to additional infection entering the skin pores. The most harmless scenario would be a spot or scar at the site of the pimple. But the result of pulling out a pimple by squeezing it can be a severe infection of the body. The procedure for opening a purulent formation on the skin should in no case be carried out independently. The opening of purulent pimples is carried out exclusively in a clinical setting; the procedure can only be performed by specialists with certain qualifications. There is no need to neglect a visit to the doctor. A professional dermatologist will identify the cause of the formations and select the best treatment option to pull out the pimple. Traditional medicine also offers its own methods for solving this problem. However, before treating purulent acne at home, you need to consult with specialists so that the measures taken do not cause a deterioration in the condition of the skin.

Ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, iodine

These products, which are produced by the pharmaceutical industry, can rightfully be called the most popular in the fight against purulent acne. Ichthyol ointment, iodine and Vishnevsky ointment are effective. They not only draw pus out, but also create conditions that prevent the further occurrence of acne on the skin area treated with external preparations. How to properly perform procedures to tidy up the skin using Vishnevsky ointment? It is best to do compresses at night. The procedure is very simple. It will require:

The ointment is applied to gauze, which is secured with a band-aid on the area of ​​skin affected by purulent acne. In the morning, the skin will look much better, and by repeating the procedure several times, you can completely get rid of defects.

Using iodine to draw out pus is also quite simple. You cannot make a compress with iodine. But it is enough to moisten a cotton swab in the product and apply the drug precisely to purulent pimples. Iodine helps quite quickly; procedures using it are more effective when performed at night. Ichthyol ointment is similar in its properties to Vishnevsky ointment. It also draws out pus and is considered a classic remedy in the fight against acne of various types. The procedure with its use is best performed at the end of the day. Each purulent pimple should be lubricated with the drug, wait an hour and a half, and then wash the ointment off the face.

Aloe, potato, sea water, calendula

Aloe leaves have a similar effect to ichthyol ointment. A compress using aloe leaf will quickly put the skin in order, but for the procedure it is important to choose the right patch. It should allow air to pass through well. If the patch does not have this property, the compress may harm the skin. The technology of the procedure is simple: a cut piece of aloe pulp is attached to the skin using a patch. Usually, after the first application of the compress, a noticeable result is observed. But to consolidate the effect, healers recommend performing the procedure several times.

Not everyone has aloe, but every home has potatoes. The raw root vegetable is actively used for medicinal masks and the fight against acne. Purulent formations on the body are no exception. If you make a paste from raw potatoes and apply the product to the acne-affected area of ​​the body for an hour or two, the result will be no worse than from ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment.

Sea water is a universal remedy for those with oily skin. If you wash your face with sea water, you can forget about acne. But sea salt is also a good analogue for those who are far from the sea. It not only dries the skin, but also disinfects it, preventing further spread of infection. It is enough to moisten the pimples with water and sea salt, and the desired result will be achieved. Those who have dry skin should use this product with extreme caution, because sea salt can dry out the skin.

Calendula tincture is a traditional folk remedy for purulent acne. Calendula has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is capable of putting the skin in order in a fairly short period of time. If you apply it to purulent pimples at night, the result of the procedure will be noticeable in the morning.

Mustard, wormwood, plantain

The use of mustard for acne is similar to those procedures where iodine is used. Mustard is applied to pimples pointwise. To get results faster, the procedure is carried out three times a day, then the effect will be noticeable on the second day.

Medicinal herbs are actively used against purulent skin rashes. If you moisten areas of the body affected by purulent acne with wormwood tincture or make compresses from it, the condition of the skin will improve. The skin is treated with wormwood tincture 3-4 times a day. Preparing the product is quite simple. It will require:

  1. 2 tbsp. dried and crushed wormwood leaves;
  2. cool boiling water.

The plant material is brewed, infused for several hours, filtered, and it is ready for use.

Plantain leaves will perfectly help cope with the inflammatory process and purulent formations on the skin. Plantain juice is applied to purulent acne. A compress based on a decoction of dried leaves of a medicinal plant is also an effective remedy. Plantain can be used several times a day, the main thing is not to damage the membrane of purulent acne. Any procedures in relation to purulent acne must obey this rule.