Body tanning rating of the best

Self-tanning cream is used to color the skin a beautiful chocolate color. The modern fashion industry, as always, dictates its own rules. A shade of bronze or golden color on the skin is considered the ideal of beauty. To achieve this effect, some people spend a lot of time in the sun, others visit a solarium, and still others prefer to use self-tanning products. Rules for using self-tanning cream. Rating of the best funds.

Types of cosmetics for self-tanning

Reed self-tanning is considered the safest. The active ingredient dihydroxyacetone is extracted from sugar cane. Darkening of the skin is superficial, affecting only the upper layer of the endometrium. The substance is included in many self-tanning products. Home remedies based on coffee, chamomile, walnut leaves, black tea, and rhubarb root have a similar effect. Thus, self-tanning with a cream does not have a negative effect on the skin. A negative consequence may be an allergic reaction to a component of a cosmetic product. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. The procedure will not take much time, but will eliminate unwanted effects.

  1. Bronzants. The instant effect is achieved thanks to the special paint in its composition. The cream is easy to apply and, if necessary, quickly washed off with soap and water. Such a knight's move before a significant date!
  2. Auto bronzants. The active component of such products is dihydroxyacetone. Upon contact with skin, it reacts with proteins, causing darkening. The result is noticeable 4 hours after applying the cream. The effect lasts slightly longer than bronzers. Doesn't stain clothes. It is considered absolutely safe.
  3. Cream. The product gives lasting results. Lasts a long time. Colors the skin evenly. Can be applied to all areas of the body. It takes a long time to absorb. After treating the skin, do not get dressed for 30 minutes.
  4. Milk. The operating principle is similar. It just has a more liquid structure and is absorbed faster.
  5. Spray. Designed for those who save time and are not particularly demanding on the duration of action. The spray is evenly applied to the skin and absorbed in 10 minutes.
  6. Mousse. Something between cream and milk. Has a moisturizing effect. Slightly shades skin color. Suitable for maintaining the effect after applying the cream.
  7. Lotion. Convenient to apply. Quickly absorbed. The effect is no worse than after self-tanning cream.
  8. Gel with sea buckthorn oils. The active substances of the cosmetic product cause the skin to actively produce melanin. The result of darkening the skin is noticeable 6 hours after application.
  9. Napkins. A corrective that allows you to quickly correct the flaws of an unsuccessful tan. Used on various parts of the body.

What is the best self-tanning cream to use?

The skin looks healthy and well-groomed if its color is beautiful. Many women consider self-tanning creams a real achievement in cosmetology. Due to the fact that recently people have increasingly begun to talk about the dangers of sunlight on the human body, natural tanning is becoming undesirable. However, self-tanning creams do not deprive women of the opportunity to obtain a bronze, golden skin tone. Which one is best to use, a woman must determine individually. Each product has its own active ingredients and duration of action. Moreover, instead of professional cosmetics, you can use folk recipes.

How to choose the right one

In your choice, you must be guided not only by the type of cosmetic product, consistency, but also take into account your skin type and its natural color.

For blondes Those with fair skin should choose self-tanning creams marked “light”. The skin will darken slightly, which will look natural with light hair and eyes. It is better to choose preparations with a lighter structure - gel, mousse, spray, lotion.

Brunettes You should choose cosmetics labeled “dark”. The skin of dark women is itself several shades darker than that of blondes. More active influence can be allowed. A cream with a dense structure will be able to give the desired effect, even out skin unevenness, make it smooth, soft, and maintain naturalness.

Fair-haired and brown-haired can choose self-tanning creams from a series of blondes, brunettes, depending on the desired result. But cosmetics labeled “medium” would be ideal for them.

How long does the result last?

The duration of the effect depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, the frequency of water procedures, and the quality of the chosen product. On average, the lasting effect lasts 4 days. After which the self-tanning cream begins to gradually disappear. This happens because the product acts only on the upper layer of the endometrium; skin cells die and are renewed every day. That is, there is no way to avoid the disappearance of a pleasant shade. But, based on reviews, self-tanning with high-quality expensive cosmetics can last about 2 weeks.

How to apply cream to the body

There is nothing complicated in the application procedure. But if you don’t know all the subtleties, instead of a beautiful colored body, you can get a spotted color.

  1. A new product must be tested initially. A small amount is applied to the forearm. At the same time, the reaction to sensitivity will be checked.
  2. Initially, the skin must be prepared. During the week, it should be moisturized with nourishing, moisturizing creams. If this is not done, when applying self-tanning cream, it will accumulate in problem areas. Instead of hiding them, it will focus attention on them. Exfoliate the entire body in 1–2 days. Particular attention should be paid to the elbows and knees. If there are dry areas left there, the self-tanning cream will cause dark spots to appear on them.
  3. The day before the procedure, you should take a shower and bath. Dry your body well. If a drop of water remains, streaks will remain.
  4. The product must be applied from bottom to top. On areas of the body such as the décolleté, back of the elbows, knees, and palms, the cream will act faster. They are processed last.
  5. Immediately after the procedure, you should drink your hands well with soap and rub your nails with a brush. If this is not done, their color will change beyond recognition, and the nails will simply turn black.
  6. 30 minutes is enough for absorption. But the drug will finally be distributed and begin to act after 2 hours. Clothing can be worn at least one hour after applying self-tanning cream. Showering is allowed after 6 hours.

The first result will become noticeable after 4 hours.

How to apply on face

Body cream should not be used on the face area. For this purpose, there are special cosmetics that act more gently. Before the procedure, you need to clean your face of dirt, cosmetics, and wipe with lotion. Apply the cream evenly, leaving the area around the eyes untreated. Leave for effect. At the end of the time specified in the instructions, apply moisturizer. Moisturize especially intensively according to hair growth. Then the transition will smooth out, the tan will not look like a mask.

The best self tanner for the body

Among the variety of products, several made it into the top best:

1. Self-tanning Sublime Bronze Airbrush, L’Oreal

The product gives the skin a bronze tan, looks natural, without spots or streaks. Smells good. Evenly colors hard-to-reach places - on the back, under the knees. Quickly absorbed. The effect appears after 1 hour. There is no greasy shine on the body, no marks on clothes. Cost 560 rub.

2. Gelee Auto-Bronzante Express, Clarins

Gives the body an even Mediterranean tan. Among the advantages are a non-greasy structure that is quickly absorbed, a pleasant aroma, and a moisturizing effect thanks to aloe juice. The active component is the DHA complex, extracted from chestnut bark. It oxidizes skin amino acids, giving cells a dark tint. Suitable for all skin types. The cost of self-tanning cream is 1100 rubles.

3. Ronze Self-Tanner Shimmering Glow, Dior

A product with a large number of caring ingredients, suitable for sensitive skin. The highlight of the self-tanning cream is the gold powder. It adds a mystical, mysterious glow to the body. The skin looks like girls from the cover of a glamor magazine. Instantly absorbed, leaves no stains or streaks. The price of self-tanning cream is 1500 rubles.

4. Lancome Flash Bronzer: for emergencies

Self-tanning with cream for fair skin. Designed for emergency cases when there is no time to wait for results. The cream has a delicate, light structure. Quickly absorbed. The effect is noticeable already during application. It is quickly washed off, but constant use for 1 week triggers a certain mechanism in the cells of the epidermis. The effect begins to last longer. The cost of self-tanning cream with instant action is 1200 rubles.

5. Bronze Nature by Yves Rocher

With the help of self-tanning cream, the imperfections of mature skin are smoothed out and the processes of young skin are activated. The drug is intended for use after 25 years. Suitable for daily use. It works especially well on the skin of the feet. Active substances cause epidermal cells to actively produce melanin. This is what causes the lasting result. The cost of self-tanning cream is about 600 rubles.

Good self-tanning creams for the face

Among cosmetic products, you can choose an effective product that is expensive, mid-price, or budget.

6. Flash Bronzer Oil-Free Tinted Self-Tanning Face, Lancome

Used to create a pleasant bronze tint on the skin. The product contains a large amount of vitamin E, natural caramel extract, and pearl particles to add shine.

Light skin becomes bronze instantly. A natural tan appears within an hour. Smells pleasantly of honey and jasmine. The consistency is similar to thick sour cream. To maintain a permanent effect, the skin is treated 3 times a week. The cost of self-tanning cream is 1300 rubles.

7. Jurlique Sun Specialist Sunless Tanner

Australian natural organic cosmetics. The active ingredients are wild saffron oil and orange extract. Leaves a nice golden color. The homogeneous creamy structure makes it easy to apply the drug to the skin of the face. Does not create streaks or stains. No mask type, smooth transitions. For lasting effect, apply twice a week. The cost of tanning cream is from 3000 rubles.

8. Sol Self Tan, Oriflame

Using tanning cream, you can achieve a matte body tone at any time of the year. The active bronzing component allows you to enjoy the result in an hour. Does not leave a greasy sheen and is evenly distributed. There is no “koala bear” effect.

Distribute with massage movements. For a lasting effect, repeat the procedure several times a week. The cost of self-tanning cream is only 390 rubles.

9. Sun Energy Golden Olive Cream

A product with a lot of nutrients. Panthenol increases the protective function of the skin, olive oil adequately moisturizes. Suitable for all skin types. The consistency is non-greasy and light. Well absorbed. Pleasant bronze shade, obtained after 2 hours. Price 70 rub.

10. BELKOSMEX Sunvita

Belarusian cosmetics with excellent lasting results up to 7 days. Lightweight structure. The color is initially white. It smells good, but during exposure a completely different aroma appears, which indicates transformations on the skin. After 2 hours you can see the result.

It must be applied evenly and thoroughly. Because stripes and stains may remain. Wash off evenly. The price of a long-lasting self-tanning cream is about 450 rubles.

Self-tanning cream at home

You can prepare an effective remedy yourself. Sometimes the effect of traditional self-tanning cream lasts much longer. However, this is not really a cream, but simply a means that allows you to get a similar result.


Fresh carrot juice intensively changes your complexion. Suitable for brunettes, brown-haired women with dark complexions. Thanks to carrots, this skin acquires an enviable bronze tint. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater. Apply to the face as a mask. For dry skin, mix with sour cream and cream. You will also get a nourishing mask. Hold for 30 minutes. Wash it off. The effect is obvious!


Use the shell, green peel. The shells are brewed with boiling water and simmered over low heat for several minutes. They insist for a day. Rub the skin intensively. The more shells, the darker the color. The peel is crushed in a blender and applied as a mask for 20 minutes.

Onion peel

A universal product for face and body. The husk is brewed with water. The more it is, the richer the broth. To obtain a golden body color, fill the bath with the decoction. You need to lie in it for at least 20 minutes. The face is painted by washing.

Every girl's dream is to get an even, beautiful tan with an incredible chocolate tint. But what if it is not possible to fly away on a long-awaited vacation, or your skin simply does not take a tan, but immediately burns? It is for such cases that self-tanners were invented. There is no need to lie on the beach for half a day, save money for sunny countries, or expose your skin to scorching UV rays. You can get a high-quality and even tan in 6 hours while sitting at home and watching your favorite program on TV.

But how can you decide which self-tanner is of the highest quality from the entire range offered? It is for this occasion that in this article we have prepared a rating of the TOP 7 best self-tanning products for the face and body. You will find reviews, prices, and descriptions of each of the miracle remedies below.


7 best self-tanners

When compiling a rating for our article, we noticed that choosing a self-tanner is not so easy. The choice is simply huge. From the entire list offered, we have selected the 7 best in terms of quality and customer reviews. In this article we will look at the following types of products:

  1. Sublime Bronze Airbrush;
  2. Gelee Auto-Bronzante Express;
  3. Bronze Self-Tanner Shimmering Glow;
  4. Nivea Sun;
  5. Flash Bronzer;
  6. Complete Care;
  7. Summer Glow.

Let's take a closer look at each of the presented products.

Sublime Bronze Airbrush

An even tan is distributed to every area of ​​the skin thanks to its smoothing effect. Immediate absorption occurs without leaving greasy marks on clothes. Thanks to a special component, the natural pigment of your skin, melanin, is completely copied, which, in turn, is produced in the sun. Thus, with daily use you will get a perfectly even tan, without spending time in the scorching sun.

Production France
Action tanning, toning
Equipment spray
Weight 170 g
Indications Apply to cleansed skin, avoid eyebrows and hair area

Price list: from 580 rubles.


  1. getting a perfectly even tan in just 7 days;
  2. instant absorption;
  3. adds natural shine to the skin.


A friend advised me to buy this product. I was afraid at first because I know that some self-tanners leave patches on the skin. After using L'Oreal, I saw how high quality the product is. Lays down evenly, beautiful color, no frills. There is a natural shine. I will use it.

Gelee Auto-Bronzante Express

An ideal product for obtaining an even tan with a delicate golden hue. The soft texture is easily absorbed, allowing the skin to breathe and maintain its natural silkiness. The additional consistency of natural oils adds softness and smoothness to the skin. Applying self-tanner every day helps you achieve a deep shade that radiates beauty.

Weight 125 ml
Indications Apply to clean skin, avoiding eye and hair areas
Production France
Action tanning, toning
Equipment gel

Cost: 2049 RUR.


  1. composition of natural oils (silk, flax, tea tree, jojoba);
  2. gives the skin a golden hue;
  3. smoother and softer skin;
  4. even tan;
  5. result after the first use.


  1. slightly runny gel consistency.

This self-tanner is my salvation! I have been purchasing it for 4 years and have never regretted it. Such a high-quality tan that everyone around me is wondering where I was vacationing! Shiny, silky skin with a golden tint, and the smell is simply magical, thanks to the large number of oils in the composition. I am delighted!

Bronze Self-Tanner Shimmering Glow

The peculiarity of this product is its infrequent use to obtain the perfect tan. With 1-2 applications per week, you can achieve the desired result and maintain it. Absorption occurs instantly, eliminating greasy marks on clothing. Thanks to the shiny particles in the consistency of the product, the skin gets a perfect, natural shine, without a greasy feeling. It is also a delightful facial skin care thanks to its nourishing oils.

Manufacturer country France
Action Tan
Equipment gel
Weight 120 ml
Indications Apply after shower, without touching facial hair

Price: 1400 rubles.


  1. visible effect after 4 days of use;
  2. shimmering particles in the composition of the product;
  3. even, deep tan;
  4. nourishing oils (silk, jojoba);
  5. serves as additional care for facial skin.


  1. you need to wait 10-15 minutes, then put on clothes.

Quite an expensive pleasure, but the quality is noticeable from the first uses. Tan without marks on your favorite clothes. Shimmering particles create a highlighter effect throughout the body, radiating the skin from the inside. Incredible self-tanner with a pleasant smell, I recommend it.

Nivea Sun

An excellent budget option. The peculiarity of this self-tanning is the visible result within 4-6 hours after application. Ideally located on the skin and touches hard-to-reach areas due to the spray. Absorbs quickly without leaving any traces. The only downside to this product is the complete exfoliation of the entire body before using it. Otherwise, the self-tanner may lie unevenly, or even worse, not produce results.

Action Tan
Equipment spray
Weight 165 g
Indications Before use, exfoliate the entire body, do not touch the hair.
Manufacturer country Germany

Price tag: from 400 rub.


  1. skin protection with oils (jojoba, tea tree);
  2. penetration of tanning into hard-to-reach places;
  3. perfect tan;
  4. natural shine of the skin.


  1. Before use, it is necessary to scrub or peel the skin.

A good option, you just have to worry a little so that it doesn’t come off and delights you with a sunny shade for a long time. You need to do peeling, otherwise it simply won’t stick to the skin, and there’s no tanning to speak of. As soon as the skin is in order, the self-tanner takes effect instantly, and after only 4 hours my skin acquired a beautiful, even tone.

Flash Bronzer

The word itself from the name bronzer speaks for itself. This miracle product combines both tan and bronzer with shimmering particles. The rich consistency of nourishing oils does not prevent our product from being instantly absorbed into the skin and does not leave greasy marks on the hands. And the natural base of oils carefully cares for and moisturizes your delicate skin of the face and body.

Indications Before use, cleanse face and body, avoid eyebrows and hair roots.
Weight 160 g
Texture cream
Production France
Effect tan, bronzer

Cost: from 1200 rub.


  1. combination of self-tanner and bronzer;
  2. absorbs quickly;
  3. does not give a feeling of fat;
  4. After 4 days of use it gives a rich golden tan.


At first I was scared when choosing the price, because not all expensive self-tanners are really high quality, but I’m just delighted with this! I didn't regret the purchase at all. The bronzer saturates the skin with radiance, and the self-tanner itself applies well and gives a golden hue. I recommend!

Complete Care

This self-tanner represents the ideal price-quality ratio. Its functions gently nourish and protect the skin. The product is also instantly absorbed, allowing you to put on clothes immediately after using the product. The result is visible within a few hours. The skin is soft, shiny and tanned.

Texture cream
Production England
Effect tanning, toning
Indications apply after shower without touching hair
Weight 130 g

Price tag: 290 rub.


  1. nutrition and protection;
  2. absorbs quickly without unpleasant traces;
  3. result 4 hours after application.


I recently purchased it and have been using it so far so good. The skin is soft, as if after professional care, and, on top of that, tanned. The tan goes on evenly, without flaws and the price is good. Thanks to the manufacturer!

Summer Glow

Ideal option from Dove. All products from this brand are distinguished by their tenderness and care. The same can be said about this self-tanner. Its delicate consistency gently nourishes and saturates the skin with beneficial substances. Absorbs quickly and does not leave greasy marks or unpleasant shine. Ideal for lovers of a discreet and shallow tan. The first application gives a slight golden tint. A completely deep shade can be achieved after 5-7 applications.

Weight 250 ml
Manufacturer Germany
Effect toning, tanning
Indications apply to skin after shower, do not touch eyebrows and hair
Texture cream

Price tag: from 150 rubles.


  1. the possibility of obtaining from a weak tan to a strong one;
  2. absorbs well;
  3. Gives the skin comfort and softness.


I didn’t think that this self-tanning product from Dav would turn out to be such a wonderful product. A low price is far from an indicator of low quality. Ideally envelops the skin, nourishes and softens it. Of course, I would like to see the effect immediately, but at first the tan appears to a minimal degree. Then stronger and stronger. The product is good. I recommend!

Comparison of presented self-tanners

In order for you to compare the products presented above, we suggest looking at the comparison table.

Self tanning Brand Texture Weight (g) Purpose Indications Price
( rub)
Sublime Bronze Airbrush France spray 170 tanning, toning Apply to cleansed skin, avoid eyebrows and hair area 580
Gelee Auto-Bronzante Express France gel 125 ml tanning, toning Apply to clean skin, avoiding eye and hair areas 2049
Bronze Self-Tanner Shimmering Glow France gel 120 ml Tan Apply after shower, without touching facial hair 1400
Nivea Sun Germany spray 165 Tan Before use, exfoliate the entire body, avoid eyebrows and hair roots. 400
Flash Bronzer France cream 160 tan, bronzer Before use, cleanse face and body, avoid eyebrows and hair roots. 1200
Complete Care England cream 130 tanning, toning apply after shower without touching hair 290
Summer Glow Germany cream 250 ml toning, tanning apply to skin after shower, do not touch eyebrows and hair 150

How to apply self-tanner correctly?

Before using a self-tanner, you need to familiarize yourself with a small list of functions for proper application.

  1. First, you need to understand is the product suitable for you or not?. Apply a small amount of skin texture and wait 12 hours. If self-tanning does not cause redness, itching or flaking, then you can safely use it.
  2. Cleanse your skinfrom dirt and epilate so that self-tanning does not accumulate around the hairs and there is no spotty effect.
  3. Apply to skinface and body light cream, without nourishing oils.
  4. Apply self-tanner using quick rubbing movements, starting from your legs and moving towards your shoulders. It's best if someone helps you. The neck and back should be self-tanned at almost the same time as other easily accessible parts of the body.

Benefits and harms

Self-tanning is a procedure to give a bronze, golden hue to your skin. And as we know, any procedure has its positive and negative qualities. Let's look at this using the example of the benefits and harms of self-tanning.


  1. possibility to give skin any shade, without ultraviolet radiation at any time of the year;
  2. some remedies include useful components with nourishing oils, and serve as protection and softness for the skin;
  3. presence in the composition bronzer and small shimmering particles provide radiance from within and self-confidence.


  1. some products consist of synthetic fibers, therefore, it is difficult for the skin to breathe, which leads to dehydration and peeling in the future.

If you purchased an inexpensive self-tanner and doubt its quality, you can add moisturizers without nourishing oils to it. Then you will protect your skin from drying out and dehydration.

To give their skin a seductive chocolate color, girls resort to self-tanning. Let's find out how to choose the right shade of the product, and which products on the market are considered the most popular. To do this, you should refer to the rating compiled by our experts.

How to choose a self-tanner for your body

Self-tanners vary in release form. On the shelves you can find:

Each of these products has its own duration of action and active ingredients. The compositions are also divided into bronzers and crucibles. The latter are mainly suitable for solariums.

When buying a self-tanner, you need to be guided by your natural skin color:

  1. For light dermis, creams marked “Light” in the form of a gel, spray or lotion are suitable.
  2. Those with dark skin should choose products labeled Dark. A thick consistency cream will help give the desired shade and maintain the naturalness of the color.
  3. Self-tanners labeled Medium are suitable for fair-haired and brown-haired women.
  4. It is recommended to apply a small amount of the composition to the skin and wait 10-12 hours. If the product does not cause irritation, it is suitable.

Rating of the best self-tanners for the body

Nomination place Name of product price
Rating of the best self-tanners for the body 1 Clarins Gelee Auto-Bronzante Express 2 150 ₽
2 Sun Look Napkins 80 ₽
3 Dior Bronze Self-Tanner Shimmering Glow 1 320 ₽
4 L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Airbrush 550 ₽
5 Yves Rocher Bronze Nature 620 ₽
6 Lancaster Fast Dry Bronze 1 510 ₽

Clarins Gelee Auto-Bronzante Express

The first place in the ranking is occupied by artificial tanning jelly from Clarins. It has a non-greasy texture and spreads easily over the skin surface. I am pleased with the quick absorption and even natural color. The formula of the product includes plant extracts that care for the skin and help it remain radiant and velvety.

Girls use self-tanning to maintain a rich shade or give their body a slight glow. It's a pity that the price is too high for many consumers. A self-tanner costs 2,150 rubles (125 ml).


  1. presence of plant extracts;
  2. quick application;
  3. natural golden hue;
  4. convenient dispenser limiter;
  5. non-greasy texture;
  6. perfect skin in the end.


  1. high cost.

Sun Look Napkins

Self-tanning wipes will become an indispensable companion for travelers. They will help you not stand out during your first days on the beach. If large bottles of creams take up a lot of space in your bag, then compact wipes will fit into the smallest cosmetic bag. The product gently cares for the skin and provides protection against dryness. As a result, the customer will get a deep tan. You just need to wipe the body to get a beautiful, intense shade.

The wipes are suitable for the face, the main thing is to avoid the areas around the eyes. The effect appears within an hour. Judging by the reviews, the product does not leave streaks and provides an even tan. The product has a specific odor and moderate humidity. The most amazing thing is that the effect lasts about five days. This is a great option for girls who can't sunbathe. Price for 1 piece – 60-80 rubles.


  1. ease of use;
  2. ideal for a trip;
  3. uniform natural tan color;
  4. quick effect;
  5. the shade lasts for several days.


  1. peculiar aroma.

Dior Bronze Self-Tanner Shimmering Glow

Self-tanner from Dior is characterized by fast absorption and contains golden powder, which gives the skin a luxurious glow. The cream is also suitable for the face. Judging by the reviews, the smell of the product is tolerable, it is not felt on the skin. The product does not cause any side effects and performs its task 100%.

Girls are delighted with the beautiful shade and economical consumption. A 50 ml tube lasts for a long time. Estimated price – 1300-1500 rubles.


  1. the price fully corresponds to the decent quality;
  2. slow consumption;
  3. no pungent odor;
  4. does not cause allergies;
  5. presence of golden particles for shine;
  6. does not stain clothes.


  1. There are no serious disadvantages.

L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Airbrush

The next participant in the rating is the popular self-tanning product from the world-famous brand L'Oreal. It has conquered a significant segment of the Russian market and has become the favorite remedy of many modern girls. Only fourth place is a consequence of mixed reviews. Some customers say that the product creates a magnificent, even tan with a bronze tint within 20 minutes of application to the body. Other young ladies did not like the short effect, which barely reaches 24 hours.

It should be noted that the spray is suitable mainly for those with fair skin. It dries instantly and delicately highlights bare areas. Price – about 550 rubles. For a product of decent quality, this is quite an adequate price. To get an intense tan, it is recommended to apply a special scrub from L'Oreal before use.


  1. lasts for a long time;
  2. huge popularity among girls;
  3. beautiful bronze shade;
  4. pleasant consistency without streaks.


  1. yellowing of the skin;
  2. doesn't last long.

Yves Rocher Bronze Nature

Next in the ranking is the product from Yves Rocher. The bronzer has a pleasant, non-sticky texture. It is absorbed instantly. After 2-3 uses, the skin acquires a warm tan shade. Judging by the reviews, the product does not leave streaks and lasts for 3-4 days.

The composition deeply moisturizes the skin and gives it a shimmering glow. Its formula is based on tiare flower extract and grape oil. A 50 ml bottle of cream costs about 600 rubles.


  1. lasts a long time;
  2. grape oil and flower extract in the composition;
  3. instantly penetrates the skin;
  4. luxurious warm shade.


  1. dries out the skin;
  2. not a pleasant smell.

Lancaster Fast Dry Bronze

The final place in the rating belongs to self-tanning, which can give an intense chocolate shade in a matter of minutes. The product dries quickly and does not damage clothes. It has a wonderful effect on the condition of the skin, has a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect. The spray protects the dermis from external negative influences.

The effectiveness of the product is confirmed by numerous customer reviews. The product smells like alcohol during application. The main advantage is durability. The result is visible within 7-10 days. 150 ml cost about 1500 rubles.