How to deal with dry skin

Dry skin can be a lot of trouble. In winter, it peels and turns red, and with age it becomes thinner and loses its elasticity. She needs special care and lifestyle adjustments. Otherwise, wrinkles and other signs of aging will appear on it faster than on oily or combination skin. It is important to find out the cause of a possible pathology in time and carry out treatment.

This problem occurs due to the slowing down of the sebaceous glands. Sometimes a hereditary predisposition influences, but more often this defect is caused by improper care, unfavorable conditions or diseases that need to be treated.

Causes and signs of dry face

External causes for people of different gender, age and status are:

  1. prolonged exposure to the sun;
  2. dry indoor air;
  3. freezing;
  4. dry climate;
  5. temperature changes;
  6. improper care - regular washing with soap, use of cosmetics with aggressive ingredients.

The internal causes of dry facial skin are as follows:

  1. treatment with antibiotics for a long period of time;
  2. dehydration caused by insufficient fluid intake, gastrointestinal disturbances or elevated body temperature;
  3. unhealthy diet, addiction to strict diets;
  4. bad habits - smoking, drinking large amounts of sweets, coffee, tea and carbonated drinks;
  5. hormonal imbalance in the body, for example, with diabetes, menopause in women or hypothyroidism;
  6. lack of vitamins, in particular A and E;
  7. constant stress;
  8. metabolic disease;
  9. skin diseases - various allergies, eczema, keratosis, dermatitis, psoriasis, fungus;
  10. natural aging.

Causes in children may include:

  1. anemia;
  2. allergies to soap, chlorine in water, cosmetics or laundry detergent;
  3. hypothyroidism;
  4. hot and dry air in the room;
  5. vitamin deficiency;
  6. dysbacteriosis;
  7. diabetes.

In women it is more often caused by:

  1. lack of fluid or vitamins in the diet;
  2. endocrine pathologies;
  3. autoimmune disorders;
  4. dermatitis;
  5. influence of chlorinated water;
  6. frequent washing with hot water;
  7. temperature changes;
  8. unfavorable environmental conditions - dry air, wind, ultraviolet radiation;
  9. low-quality cosmetics.

The reasons for men are usually poor care or lack of some vitamins. Internal pathologies cannot be ruled out.

It is very easy to recognize dry skin:

  1. If you squeeze it with your fingers, the marks on the surface will be visible for a long time.
  2. Constant feeling of tightness, especially after washing.
  3. Barely noticeable pores.
  4. Frequent irritation with redness.
  5. Peeling, especially in winter and windy weather.
  6. Not prone to acne.
  7. Poor elasticity.
  8. Outwardly it looks matte and even transparent.
  9. Cracks often appear.

It is imperative to combat dryness, because the resulting microcracks easily allow dirt and bacteria to pass through. All this over time provokes inflammation and itching, which will be much more difficult to treat.

Rules of care

Cleansing this type of skin is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. wipe your face with cosmetic milk or cream;
  2. remove its remnants with tonic.

Products should not contain aggressive surfactants, alcohol or petroleum products.

After cleansing, the skin is moisturized with a fortified cream with high protection against UV rays. In winter, it is better to replace it with a nutritious one. This should be done morning and evening. If a feeling of tightness appears during the day, use a moisturizer. At the age of 25, it is already worth applying the serum to the area around the eyes.

All cosmetics should be designed specifically for dry skin types. They contain soothing and nutritious substances. Thermal sprays, sprayed several times a day, help. Their ingredients prevent the appearance of wrinkles, have a soothing effect on the skin and fix makeup.

What to do if your skin is dry?

You can normalize the condition by following these tips:

  1. Drink the required amount of water daily to hydrate naturally.
  2. Avoid using soap because of the alkalis it contains.
  3. Do not wash your face with regular tap water. It is too harsh for dry, sensitive and delicate skin. Settled or boiled is more suitable.
  4. Care is selected especially carefully. Cosmetics must ensure water balance.
  5. They use both store-bought products and masks that they make themselves at home. The main thing is that they have a moisturizing effect.
  6. It is worth enriching your diet with multivitamins and supplements containing important microelements.

If the problem gets worse, treatment may be needed.

Treatment of increased dryness

For severe pathological dryness and peeling, drug therapy is used. Treatment will promote regeneration, eliminate itching, redness and inflammation. Popular means are:

1. Bepanten cream is suitable for moisturizing sensitive skin. Even pregnant women can use it.

2. Lucobase Ripea cream will help with dehydration. It prevents moisture evaporation, retaining it in the epidermis.

3. Dardio Lipo cream serves to maintain lipid balance.

A remedy such as a herbal steam bath works effectively. It will moisturize and prevent drying out in the future. Take 2 tablespoons of chamomile herb and pour half a liter of water. The infusion is brought to a boil and allowed to stand for half an hour. Then the composition is heated again and a bath is taken for a quarter of an hour, breathing over the steam and covered with a towel. After the procedure, you need to wash your face, then wipe with tonic or lotion.

At home, it is useful to make hot compresses by heating water. Soak a terry towel in it, wring it out a little and place it on your face for 20 minutes. The procedure will increase blood circulation, relax muscles and cleanse the skin.

You can care for it using a product based on flax seed, which has moisturizing properties. Take a couple of spoons of raw material and fill them with 0.5 liters of cold water. The mass is boiled for a quarter of an hour to form a paste. The composition is cooled and applied to the face for 20 minutes.

If your skin is dry, a multi-layer mask will help. Mix the components:

  1. liquid honey – 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  2. egg yolks – 2 pcs.;
  3. vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

All components are ground into a mass and heated in a water bath. The finished composition is applied to the face. Every 5 minutes the mask is renewed by applying the next layer. You should end up with 3 to 4 layers on your face. Leave for 20 minutes and then wash off with linden decoction.

Products for dry skin

The requirements for daily cream are:

1. It should be quite fatty and have a dense consistency.

2. It is good if the cream for daily use contains hyaluronic acid, which has moisturizing properties, vitamins A, B, E, C, F, as well as ceramides and polysaccharides that retain moisture. Ingredients that are beneficial include potassium and naturally occurring plant oils such as olive, peach kernel, almond and jojoba. You can’t do without linolic or gamma-linolic acids. Essential substances are collagen, elastin and UV filters.

3. Skin prone to dryness reacts very sensitively to the presence of aggressive components in the product. When exposed to them, irritation and signs of allergies appear. The cream should not contain alcohol, mineral oils and glycerin. It is also desirable that it does not contain perfumes. All these substances have a dehydrating effect on the deep layers of the epidermis.

4. Mandatory components are antioxidants that neutralize the effects of free radicals.

5. In order not to aggravate the problem, the cream is selected according to age.

Masks that can be easily made at home will help moisturize your facial skin:

1. A spoonful of fresh high-fat cottage cheese is mixed with the yolk, a teaspoon of freshly squeezed fruit juice and the same amount of vegetable oil. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes and then washed off.

2. A milk mask will help with dryness and irritation. Acedophilus, fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt are suitable for this purpose. The facial skin is cleaned and the selected product is applied to it, and covered with a cotton cloth or napkin on top. The mask is left to act for 20 minutes. It is best to do the procedure before bed. After it, you can use your usual nourishing night cream.

3. Potato mask. The fruit is boiled in its skin and kneaded. Mix the puree with a small amount of preheated milk and the yolk of one egg. The mask is applied warm to the face for a quarter of an hour and then washed with water.

4. A mask with oatmeal will help nourish you with useful substances. The flakes are ground into dust to make 3 tablespoons. Half a cucumber is grated and mixed with oatmeal. Add a tablespoon of sour cream to the mixture. Apply to a clean face for 20 minutes and then rinse off.

If you take proper and careful care of dry skin, it will delight you with its matte appearance and even tone not only in youth, but also in old age. The main thing is to choose the right products and not neglect homemade masks with natural ingredients, as well as treat diseases.

Dry facial skin causes no less trouble than oily skin: it looks sluggish and lifeless, wrinkles appear earlier, constant peeling, itching... Such skin needs special careful care. You will learn everything about how to save the situation and get rid of dry skin on your face from the article.

Hi all. Svetlana Morozova is with you. Those with dry skin will agree - it is difficult to constantly moisturize, nourish and protect the skin, select suitable decorative cosmetics, and cleanse the face. In response to many remedies, irritation appears.


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Therefore, today I will tell you how to properly care for skin prone to dryness in youth and after 40 years, what vitamins to take, what clay is suitable for dry skin, what to make masks from, what procedures are used in salons - read on about this and much more. .

Dry facial skin: looking for the cause

Dry and sensitive skin becomes due to lack of moisture and sebum. And it depends on the reason what needs to be done in this case.


Why does the skin dry out?

  1. Genetics. Moisturizing is primarily affected by the thickness of the skin, and this feature is inherent from birth. And it is genetics that decides when you begin to show signs of aging (and dryness is one of them) - after 30 or even after 50.
  2. Allergies, both food and to household chemicals and cosmetics.
  3. Accumulation of toxins. These include habitual nicotine intoxication, long-term use of certain groups of medications, food poisoning, and even worms.
  4. Lack of fluid. If you drink less than 1.5-2 liters per day, your skin will be dry.
  5. Hypovitaminosis. Often dry lips and skin are a manifestation of a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D. This happens either due to a lack of protein and healthy fats in food, or due to impaired absorption of vitamins. This is especially noticeable in winter and spring.
  6. Calcium deficiency. Dehydration of the skin may indicate a lack of calcium in food or its poor absorption. There may be a connection with a lack of vitamin D or magnesium, phosphorus. Dry skin in children is just a sign of rickets.
  7. Diseases of the digestive system. Gastritis, ulcers, intestinal disorders, and liver dysfunction interfere with the absorption of vitamins, microelements, fats and protein.
  8. Kidney diseases. If dry skin is combined with itching or swelling, this indicates an imbalance in the water-salt balance in the body.
  9. Hormonal changes, especially in women. Peeling and dryness of the skin of the face and hands are frequent accompaniments of menopause, pregnancy, the postpartum period and sometimes puberty in a teenager.
  10. Environmental aggression: temperature – both heat and frost; low air humidity; ultraviolet radiation - aggressive sun or frequent visits to the solarium dry out the skin, just like living in the far north with a lack of sun. This also includes occupational hazards: steam, hot or cold air, contact with chemical fumes, and even long work at the computer.
  11. Incompetent facial care: too frequent washing and exfoliation, roughly wiping the face with a towel, using harsh (with alcohol) or simply inappropriate cosmetics.

And, of course, stress and lack of sleep really damage your skin.


How to understand if your skin's oil content is below normal

There is a very fine line between normal and dry skin. What signs indicate that your face needs extra hydration:

  1. Often there is a rash, irritation, redness, itching;
  2. In the corners of the mouth, between the eyebrows, on the cheekbones and lower eyelids, under the cheeks on the chin, the skin peels off;
  3. The skin turns pale, thins, small blood vessels appear, circles appear under the eyes;
  4. When you go out into the cold, your face begins to hurt, redness and a feeling of tightness immediately appear;
  5. Redness, itching after playing sports, going out in the sun, even a short swim in the sea or pool.

If these signs are combined with severe itching, be sure to visit a doctor. These may be symptoms of some dermatological diseases, for example, eczema, seborrhea, fungus.

Salon treatments to combat dry skin

Cosmetologists approach the treatment of dry skin in a comprehensive manner. What methods are used for this:

  1. Hot compresses;
  2. Peeling: salt, mechanical, hardware, chemical;
  3. Face massage;
  4. Masks with collagen, oils, wax, clay;
  5. Mesotherapy (intradermal injections) with vitamins and fatty acids;
  6. Biorevitalization (injections with hyaluronic acid), used mainly after 35 years.

Each procedure will require several sessions. Salon treatment is effective, but the cost ranges from 20 to 100 thousand.


Home care

To care for dry facial skin, masks, scrubs, creams, lotions, and compresses are made at home. They are formulated based on moisturizing ingredients:

  1. Oils: olive, grape seed, jojoba, avocado, jasmine, wheat germ, rose, coconut, almond, sandalwood, apricot, peach;
  2. Vitamins A and E;
  3. Honey;
  4. Gommage;
  5. Eggs;
  6. Decoctions of herbs: parsley, chamomile, linden, nettle, violet, coltsfoot, yarrow, hops;
  7. Clay: pink, green, red and gray (blue and white are more suitable for oily and normal skin);
  8. Moisture-retaining glycerin, gelatin, hyaluronic acid, panthenol;
  9. Dairy fats: sour cream, cream, yogurt, milk, whey;
  10. Extracts of algae, vanilla, herbs.
  11. Puree: banana, cucumber, aloe, mango, avocado.
  12. Exfoliating pastes: oatmeal, almond and corn flour, sugar, salt, ground nuts.

All this can be applied separately, or mixed with each other as you like.

Here are a couple of effective recipes:

  1. Banana scrub. Mash the banana, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 5 drops of vanilla extract. Apply the mixture, lightly massage your face and rinse with warm water.
  2. Oatmeal mask. Oatmeal (1 tbsp) pour 2 tbsp. l. hot heavy cream. Leave for 5-10 minutes, apply to face, wash off after 15 minutes.
  3. Aloe mask. Suitable for sensitive skin around the eyes. Cut the aloe leaf lengthwise, clean out the pulp and apply the puree for 10-15 minutes.

After the procedure, be sure to apply moisturizer.


How to care for dry skin

Every skin type has its own home care rules. Here are some basic tips from a cosmetologist for those with dry skin:

  1. Don't wash your entire face in the morning. Otherwise, the protective barrier that forms on the skin overnight is washed away. It is enough to wash your eyes and brush your teeth.
  2. Monitor the water temperature. Do not take a hot bath or shower, as moisture from steamed pores will evaporate even more.
  3. Use soft water. Often tap water is too hard. Either filter it separately for washing, or use micellar and distilled water. Ideally with the addition of soothing herbal infusions (chamomile, for example).
  4. Remove makeup at night. Choose a softening gel or milk, alcohol-free lotion. Do not use any facial soap.
  5. Choose the contents of your cosmetic bag carefully. Use cosmetics for sensitive skin with oils. Apply foundation only to a moisturizing base for dry skin, and lipstick to lip balm.
  6. Moisturize your facial skin both morning and evening. In summer, apply sunscreen before going outside. And in winter, make sure that after applying the cream, at least half an hour passes before going out into the cold. Otherwise, unabsorbed moisture crystallizes in the cold and injures the skin even more.
  7. Make masks for dry skin 1-2 times a week.


What else should you do for dry skin:

  1. Drink enough water. The recommended dosage is 30 ml for each kg of weight. Coffee and strong tea should be limited, and soda, sweet juices and alcohol in any form should be excluded altogether.
  2. Eat properly. For beautiful, healthy skin you need protein from lean meat, fish and eggs, unsaturated fats from vegetable oils, nuts, low-fat dairy products, enough complex carbohydrates from vegetables and cereals for good digestion. And dryness is provoked by pickles, sweets, flour, fatty, fried foods.
  3. Protect your skin from the sun, wind and frost with hats and accessories.
  4. Take vitamin and mineral complexes. They must be prescribed by a doctor. The most popular complexes: Lady’s Formula, Merz, Alphabet Cosmetic, Viardot, Vitrum Beauty, Doppelgerz, Complivit Radiance. As reviews say, sometimes the best option is simple and inexpensive fish oil.
  5. Regularly perform special gymnastics for the face. Exercises rejuvenate, improve blood circulation, supply tissues with moisture, and remove toxins. The sooner you start, the longer you will maintain your youth, and dry facial skin will not bother you.

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Dry facial skin is not as prone to imperfections as oily or combination skin. But this does not mean that she needs less attention and care. Dry skin is more prone to wrinkles and is very sensitive to weather (wind, sun, frost). Therefore, it is important to maintain skin water balance. This article describes which natural oils and ingredients will help cope with excessive dryness.

Dry facial skin: why? Looking for reasons

Before you start furiously moisturizing your face, you need to comprehensively examine the problem from all sides. Perhaps the reasons lie on the surface and instead of using additional products, it will be enough to give up something or pay attention not only to the condition of the skin. The main causes of dry facial skin:

  1. Age-related changes.
  2. The presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or nervous system.
  3. Incorrect activity of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Lack of vitamins.
  5. Repeated exposure to ultraviolet light.
  6. Excessive use of peelings, cleansing the face with hot water and bleach, using inappropriate cosmetics.

Dry facial skin: how to help it?

These are the points to consider when caring for dry skin. Follow the following recommendations daily and your dry skin will thank you very much.

  1. You should not wash your face with hot water. It is better to use water at room temperature, preferably settled, boiled or filtered.
  2. Use cleansers only in the evening. After a night of sleep, the skin of the face is covered with a thin protective layer of fat, which is best not washed off.
  3. Review the composition of your cosmetics bag and make sure that all the products there are intended for dry skin. Creams, lotions, tonics should not contain sleeprt and other drying ingredients. Be sure to follow the instructions: it is most often recommended to cleanse your skin in the mornings and evenings. For greater effectiveness, we recommend using a homemade cream.
  4. It wouldn’t hurt to use some kind of mask to moisturize a couple of times a week. We strongly recommend using masks that contain natural substances and ingredients. It’s best to use homemade masks.

Dry facial skin: various cosmetic oils, what, how and in what form to use?

You can use the following herbal and essential oils or homemade recipes (masks, scrubs and creams) that we recommend, or simply take note of the names and choose care products containing them. Also, some foods from which these oils are obtained can affect the skin's hydration from the inside. Please note, maybe you should sometimes eat olives, flax sprouts, coconut or peaches?

1. Essential oil for dry face

Essential oil is also, no worse, a natural product, both natural and cosmetic. But most often it is not used in its pure form: as a rule, they should be diluted with other products or applied spot on.

Be careful when adding essential oil to store-bought cream! Essential oils tend to penetrate deeply into the skin and some unnatural components of the cream can negatively affect the inner layers if they get there along with the essential oil. In general, using an essential oil may cause slight redness and this is normal. But the occurrence of itching and burning is already a bad sign. In this case, the best solution would be to terminate the procedure.

The following essential oils are most suitable for caring for dry skin: blue chamomile, jasmine, rose.

2. Natural vegetable cosmetic oils for dry skin

Cosmetic oil is a huge complex containing beneficial substances, fatty acids and vitamins. The composition of natural natural oils is very close in composition to our sebum, therefore they are perfectly perceived and interact with human skin.

Castor oil

Castor oil is made from castor beans. This is a poisonous plant: but don’t worry, all the poisonous properties are removed by squeezing. This oil perfectly nourishes, adds moisture to the skin, smoothes wrinkles, and gives the skin elasticity. Be careful, castor oil often contains so-called ricinoleic acid, and it can cause allergic reactions. So, it is better to dilute this oil with something, rather than use it in its pure form.

Olive oil for dry skin

An irreplaceable oil, which is extracted from olives, should be used for fatigue, aging and excessive tendency of the skin to dryness. In addition to its amazing moisturizing and nutritional properties, olive oil has the ability to retain moisture for a long time. Thanks to the huge amount of vitamins in the oil, olives will accelerate the regenerating function of the skin. But this preserves youth, restores the elasticity and firmness of your face. Olive oil is absolutely hypoallergenic, so it has good contact with even the most picky skin.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is universal for different skin types. To give the skin softness, firmness and youthfulness. The oil has a rather thick consistency, so it is more convenient to apply it pointwise to the areas in need, like a cream. For example, areas of skin prone to peeling should use jojoba oil several times a day.

Almond oil

Almond oil is rich in vitamin A, which promotes hydration. Thanks to this, the water-lipid balance returns to normal, the oil restores damage and microcracks, and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Dry facial skin becomes moisturized. It can be used not only to moisturize dry facial skin, but also to treat acne on the face.

Almond oil mask to nourish skin

  1. 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  2. warm milk
  3. 2 teaspoons almond oil
  4. 1 teaspoon honey

Mix everything until a homogeneous mass of medium thickness. Apply to facial skin and leave to absorb for 20 minutes. To moisturize the area around the eyes, you can also use this mask, but do not keep it for so long, but 5-10 minutes.

Coconut oil to moisturize skin

Coconut oil can be refined or unrefined. Please note that the most beneficial is refined purified oil. The high content of saturated fatty acids makes the oil hard. Thanks to this, it is very easy to use. Coconut oil melts at a temperature of 25 degrees. So, you just need to rub a piece of butter on your skin so that it melts and is absorbed. Excess should be removed with a napkin.

Among other things, coconut oil is an excellent protector of your face from the natural influences of the sun, wind and cold.

Peach oil

Peach oil revitalizes your skin! It saves the skin from dehydration, smooths out wrinkles, and maintains the firmness of the skin. Long-term use of peach oil helps strengthen blood vessels, which has a very good effect on skin color, cleansing pores, and elasticity. In addition, peach oil soothes irritation and inflammation. Even the most picky skin will be satisfied.

Moisturizing peach scrub

  1. small peach slice
  2. 1 tablespoon bran
  3. 1 tablespoon warm peach oil

Puree the peach pieces, discarding the skin. Add bran and peach oil. Massage the resulting mixture onto your face for 1 minute. Then leave the mask to absorb for 15 minutes and rinse with water.

Grape seed oil

Grapeseed oil has a very light texture, it is suitable for different types of skin and can be used in its pure form. Just apply the oil in a thin layer, then you can apply it to the area around the eyes. With constant use of grape seed oil, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the skin becomes clean, smooth and silky.

Grape seed oil mask

  1. jojoba oil
  2. grape seed oil
  3. a couple drops of lemon and rose essential oil

Heat oil mixture to medium temperature. Apply to the skin using cotton wool, cover with cling film and a warm towel. Leave for a couple of minutes and rinse with warm water without soap or other cosmetics.

Shea Butter

Do you dream of an even complexion, fresh skin, increased elasticity, eliminating wrinkles, tightness, peeling of the face and redness? Then shea butter is your best assistant. If your skin is sensitive to the sun and winter cold, also use shea butter (it is recommended to use the oil in the morning).

Shea butter helps maintain a good level of skin moisture for 8-10 hours

Linseed oil

Flaxseed oil has one significant advantage: it acts almost instantly. Dry facial skin imbued with the beneficial properties of the oil. A sort of emergency lifesaver for flaking and dryness. The strengthening properties of flax seeds will give your skin firmness, firmness and elasticity. There is also a downside: flaxseed oil, once opened, is stored for only 15-25 days. It should be stored in the refrigerator.

Take care of your skin and it will thank you!