Lacrimal apparatus

The lacrimal apparatus (lat. apparatus lacrimalis) is an anatomical structure that ensures the secretion of tears and their outflow from the eyeball. The lacrimal apparatus includes the lacrimal glands, lacrimal sac, lacrimal ducts and lacrimal drainage system.

The lacrimal glands secrete aqueous humor, which moisturizes the cornea and protects it from drying out. They are located in the cartilaginous part of the upper eyelid and the medial part of the lower eyelid. The lacrimal glands have an excretory duct that opens into the lacrimal sac.

The lacrimal duct consists of tear ducts that open into the lacrimal sac. The lacrimal duct starts from the lacrimal gland and passes through the cartilage of the eyelid to the lacrimal punctum. The lacrimal punctum is the junction of the lacrimal gland with the canal. From the lacrimal punctum, the tear passes through the lacrimal canal to the lacrimal punctum.

The lacrimal apparatus performs an important function in maintaining eye health. Impaired functioning of the lacrimal glands or the outflow of tear fluid can lead to the development of eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, etc. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the lacrimal glands and carry out regular eye hygiene.

The lacrimal apparatus (lat. a. lacrimalis) is a set of organs and structures that are involved in the formation and secretion of tears. The lacrimal organs include the lacrimal glands, lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal puncta, and lacrimal sac.

The lacrimal glands are paired organs located on either side of the nose. They secrete tear fluid, which moisturizes the eye and protects it from drying out. Tear fluid consists of water, salt and some other substances.

Tear canaliculi are narrow canals that connect the tear glands to the eyeball. They provide transportation of tear fluid to the eye.

The lacrimal sac is a cavity located behind the nose. It collects tears secreted by the lacrimal glands and directs them to the eyeball through the tear duct.

Tear ducts are thin tubes that connect the lacrimal sac to the eyeball and remove tear fluid from the eye. The tear ducts can be impaired due to various diseases and injuries.

The lacrimal apparatus plays an important role in maintaining eye health. Tears protect the eye from dryness, irritation and infection. Disruption of the lacrimal organs can lead to the development of various eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis, keratitis and blepharitis.

In modern medicine, the lacrimal apparatus is an object of study and diagnosis in ophthalmology. Using various research methods, doctors can assess the condition of the lacrimal system and identify possible disorders.

Thus, the lacrimal apparatus is of great importance for eye health and is the object of research and diagnosis in modern ophthalmology.