Pharmacy remedies for age spots on the face

Nature has given us an organ unique in its purpose—the skin. It is she who is the source of our joys and sorrows. Beautiful skin attracts attention; its good appearance speaks of youth and health. Therefore, any age spot or freckles causes despair. You can fight dark spots using different means. The main thing is that they are safe. Some ointments for age spots on the face can be purchased at the pharmacy. The whitening effect of pharmaceutical ointments was discovered unexpectedly. You should not expect instant action from them, but the systematic use of these funds leads to results.

Indications for the use of ointments for age spots

Names of pharmaceutical ointments for age spots

  1. Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment should be in every home medicine cabinet. This is a universal drug for treating skin problems. The composition of zinc ointment is zinc oxide and petroleum jelly. It is harmless, so it is even prescribed to children for diaper rash. This anti-inflammatory agent quickly heals wounds, cuts, and pustules. Does zinc ointment help with age spots?

Women want their skin to have an ideal structure. Periodically, spots appear on it, adding an unaesthetic appearance to the face. To give the epidermis a healthy, radiant appearance again and remove dark areas, women either use traditional methods or go to the pharmacy to purchase a whitening agent for age spots on the face. However, first you need to understand why this happens.

What are age spots on the face?

Special substances called melanocytes are responsible for the color of the epidermis. Under their influence, one shade of epidermal cells is distributed. Thanks to melanin, which is produced in these substances, the face acquires a normal, healthy appearance. However, it often happens that the structure of the cells changes, resulting in pigment spots. They come in several types: freckles, moles, chloasma (bright, large spots), vitiligo (the appearance of white areas).

Why do age spots appear?

Darkened neoplasms may appear due to a hereditary factor. The only way out of this situation is laser correction or resurfacing. With hormonal disorders in women, skin pigmentation changes. Pregnancy, disruption of the endocrine system, excess sun, medications that cause an allergic reaction are a small part of what causes the skin to change color.

How to get rid of age spots on the face

It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the spots and undergo examination by the right specialist (gynecologist, endocrinologist or dermatologist). When the disease passes, the darkening will disappear. In parallel with treatment, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist. He will check your face type, prescribe ointments, creams, procedures: whitening, cleansing, and find applications for peeling. If it is not possible to visit doctors, some people use folk remedies at home.

The most common method for treating tumors is a cream for age spots. The ease of use and the ability to use it every day is a huge advantage. A few peas are enough to treat all problem areas of the skin. Within a month you will see inspiring results. The best creams for age spots on the face:

  1. Our mother (Mama comfort). Ingredients: fruit acid, grape seed oil, lemon, parsley extract. Reduces pigmentation that appears due to pregnancy. It is considered safe and is used throughout the forty weeks before giving birth. Apply a small amount to dark areas of the epidermis. Rub the product into the skin using stroking movements. The cost varies from 244 to 321 rubles per 50 ml.
  2. Noreva Exfoliac Acnomega. Ingredients: keratolytic ingredients, AHA acids. Removes deep wrinkles located in the layers of the epidermis, affects skin lightening, removing dark color. Anti-pigmentation cream improves it. Suitable for daily use. Apply to clean, dry skin using smooth movements. Available in tubes: 30 ml costs 1103 rubles.
  3. La Roche. For all skin types. Ingredients: retinol, thermal water. Smoothes wrinkles, removes dark pigment, has a whitening effect, evens out complexion, mattifies the surface, and skin regeneration occurs. Apply after waking up and before bed, suitable for every day. You need to rub two peas of cream onto your neck and face with your fingertips, avoiding the area around the eyes. Cost: 1990 rubles for 50 ml.

Whitening creams for age spots in the pharmacy

The pharmacy sells a whitening face cream for age spots. The main difference from stores: the product is sold as a medicine. The doctor who examined the woman prescribes medical care according to the prescription. Some pharmacy creams for pigmentation are sold openly; any woman can buy them in pharmacies. Most Popular:

  1. L'Oreal Dermo (whitening). Ingredients: fruit and glycolic acids. Removes severe wrinkles, fights age-related pigmentation, relieves fatigue and dark tint. Apply in the evening, suitable for long-term use. It is necessary to squeeze a small amount of cream onto cotton wool and apply it to your neck and face. Pre-cleanse the skin and dry it. Cost 840 rubles for 30 ml.
  2. Libriderm. Sunscreen cream for face and body. Ingredients: hyaluronic water, camelina oil - a natural analogue of vitamin F. Can increase collagen production, making the skin more elastic. Provides skin protection from ultraviolet radiation and prevents the appearance of dark circles on the skin due to tanning. It is recommended to apply sunscreen every day. Must be applied to dry skin thirty minutes before sun exposure. Cost: 1029 rubles for 30 ml.
  3. Skinoren. Ingredients: azelaic acid. The main component of this cream removes excessive pigment from cells, removes toxins, helps reduce pigmentation and acne, and normalizes the process of keratinization of the sebaceous glands. Can be used every day, spreading the cream onto darkened areas of clean skin. Contact with eyes should be avoided. Cost: 695 rubles for 30 ml.

The ointment for pigment spots differs from the cream in its denser structure and has a healing effect. It eliminates the darkened areas of the skin itself, removes the cause of its occurrence, penetrates deep into the cells of the epidermis, and treats dry skin. Any ointment is sold by a pharmacy, and the advantage is that Russian manufacturers set a low price for them. Some types of ointments:

  1. Salicylic. Ingredients: salicylic and boric alcohol, auxiliary elements. Deeply cleanses the skin, removing its top layer. Has an antibacterial effect, smoothes the surface of the face. It is good to apply the ointment twice a day to problem areas. Application period: three weeks. When you have a sensitivity to alcohol, it is important to tell your doctor. The cost is low: 30-40 rubles per 30 ml.
  2. Zinc. Ingredients: petroleum jelly, fish oil, zinc oxide, lanolin, parabens. The ointment has a whitening, anti-inflammatory effect, dries problem areas of the skin, removes dark color and acne. The course of treatment is one and a half weeks. The ointment is rubbed onto the inflamed areas five times a day. Cost: 30 rubles for 30 ml.

Anti-pigmentation serum

There is another good remedy that helps with age spots on the face. Serum, which has a different effect than cream and lotions, has a lighter and weightless structure. When the serum is already applied to the face, it becomes soft and velvety, acquiring a matte finish. Many companies offer different options. A few of the best examples are listed below:

  1. Vichy. Ingredients: thermal water, diacalite, lipohydroxy acid. Thanks to the active components, the serum acts on the cause of dark spots, resulting in instant relief from them. Directions for use: Use for a month, in the morning and before bed. It is necessary to apply to a clean skin surface with soft, stroking strokes. Cost: 2594 rubles for 50 ml.
  2. It's skin. Ingredients: chamomile and mulberry extract, arbutin. Blocks excessive melanin production, prevents dark spots on the face, the skin glows and breathes freshness, fights irritation. Lots of nutrients. Rub into face twice, suitable as a base for makeup. You need to squeeze a drop of serum into your hand and rub it into the skin with stroking movements. Cost: 890 rubles for 50 ml.

Saline solution for face

Doctors prescribe saline solution (sold by any pharmacy) to rinse the nose or throat, but it is also excellent as a remedy for age spots on the face. To prepare the mask, glycerin soap is added to sodium chloride. First of all, the face is soaped, and a saline solution is rubbed into the foam. Contraindication is contact with eyes. You can clean it 2 times in 2 weeks. Cost: 26 rubles per 200 ml.

Folk remedies for age spots on the face

What to do if serums don’t help, you don’t have time to consult a doctor, and the pharmacy is closed? To begin with, you can try folk remedies on yourself. When there were no cosmetologists and beauty procedures, people used natural ingredients, consisting of natural ingredients, and prepared products from them with fresh milk and cucumber juice, and sour cream.

Mask with starch

At any supermarket or kiosk you can buy potato starch in bags and citric acid or a whole lemon. Take one tablespoon of starch and mix with lemon juice. The resulting product must be applied to the brown element of the skin and left for six minutes. Then rinse with cool water. The skin must be moisturized to avoid dryness and discomfort.

Clay masks

Blue clay is often used in cleansing masks, which are easy to prepare at home. Dry clay must be combined with water, one part to two. When the skin of the face is very sensitive, before applying the mask, it is lubricated with a rich cream. After this, apply clay to your face and leave for 45 minutes. The mask is washed off with non-soap water.

Natural juices

The most important fighter against pigmentation is lemon oil. It is contained in creams, pharmaceutical ointments, and cucumber masks. However, there are other healthy, tasty berries and fruits: kiwi, orange, grapefruit, strawberries. Juice is squeezed out of citrus fruits and applied to problem areas, then washed off with running water. You can add a spoonful of kefir or lubricate the skin with honey mixed with lemon juice. Strawberries and kiwi are chopped into slices and placed on the face.

Essential oils

This folk method is good because a pleasant aroma will remain on your face for a long time. All you need is a couple of drops of essential oils, and your homemade mask will be ready. Distilled water and extracts are mixed in an opaque plastic or clay container: chamomile, lavender, lemon. The made tonic must be placed in the refrigerator. If possible, it is diluted with parsley juice.

It is easy to prepare a mask from sodium bicarbonate to make oily skin look normal. Take three tablespoons of soda, mix with lemon juice and water to a paste. You need to apply the resulting mask onto your face with a measuring spoon in a thin layer, lie still for five minutes, and rinse with water. The only limitation is that soda is not applied to damaged and sensitive areas.


Infusions from the plant are used when usual means and cosmetics do not help. Celandine is poisonous and is used to remove warts and other growths. However, reviews about it are favorable. The leaves are chopped into tiny pieces and poured into a glass jar, after which they are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew. Decoctions are used externally. The course of treatment is 7 days.

According to dermatologists, most people at different ages are prone to the appearance of age spots in one form or another.

With the onset of summer, exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases several times, which contributes to hyperpigmentation of the skin. It is at this time that pigmentation most often occurs in different parts of the body.

You can eliminate pigment spots with a huge number of products, for every taste and budget.

The most popular forms of funds:

  1. Ointment for age spots on the face;
  2. Professional cosmetics in the form of creams;
  3. Natural products;
  4. Oils.

Inexpensive pharmacy ointments for age spots on the face

In pharmacies you can find inexpensive and effective means to combat age spots on the face.

When choosing a product, you must carefully read about the available contraindications.

Ointment for age spots on the face is the most popular and convenient form of a remedy for eliminating pigmentation.

Experts recommend these products, paying attention to the characteristics of the patient’s body and the strength of the effect of pigmentation.

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment has a wide range of uses. It contains zinc oxide and petroleum jelly. It would seem such a simple composition that has a practical effect.

Dermatologists recommend zinc ointment for age spots on the face. Because the use of this product does not cause allergies, the ointment has a simple composition that does not have a harmful effect on the skin.

The only condition for the impossibility of using this product is an allergy to the composition.

Zinc ointment whitens the skin. Experts recommend applying the ointment about 5 times, but before applying it is necessary to cleanse your face. It is necessary to continue the course until the level of pigmentation decreases.

During the course of treatment with zinc ointment, experts recommend not using other products and decorative cosmetics.

Using the advice of dermatologists, it is possible to achieve the desired effect in 14 days.

Sulfuric ointment

When using sulfur ointment, you need to pay attention to the concentration of sulfur in the composition.

If the composition contains more than 10% of the substance, then this helps exfoliate the dead layer of epithelium. Lower sulfur content affects cell development.

It is important to know! Experts recommend that before starting to apply the ointment for age spots, apply it to the wrist and check the skin’s reaction to this drug.

Although sulfur ointment does not cause irritation, you should do a little testing.

Sulfur ointment for age spots on the face can dry out the skin; to avoid subsequent peeling, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.

Doctors recommend applying the ointment every day in the evening and the whitening effect will appear quite quickly.

Benefits of using the product Disadvantages of use
Efficiency; Unpleasant odor;
Small price. Doesn't apply well to the skin and doesn't wash off well.

Syntomycin ointment

The composition of synthomycin ointment for age spots includes chloramphenicol and castor oil. These substances are effective in combating pigmentation.

Attention! Consultation with a specialist is strongly recommended to identify intolerance to components or allergic reactions.

Experts recommend smearing only problem areas, then covering them with a bandage. The bandage needs to be changed every other day.

Benefits of using the product Disadvantages of use
Low price; Possibility of allergies, irritation, itching;
Quick results. Getting used to the composition.

Clotrimazole ointment

The ointment acts on the epidermis, providing a whitening effect. It is applied to pigmented areas about three times a day.

Professionals advise carrying out a course of treatment with Clotrimazole ointment for age spots on the face for about a month. The result will be visible within 14 days.

Experts recommend this remedy, as the contraindications are minimal. However, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.

Allergies to components and other contraindications can only be identified during a medical consultation.

Ointment for age spots on the face is an effective remedy, easy to apply and inexpensive compared to professional cosmetics.

When purchasing ointment for age spots on the face, carefully read the instructions for use and contraindications for the product.

Before starting the course, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary in order to choose the best remedy, taking into account the characteristics of the body and contraindications of the drug.

According to the recommendations of experts, the most effective and with the fewest contraindications are: zinc ointment and Clotrimazole ointment.

During the course of treatment with ointments for age spots on the face, it is necessary to carefully care for the skin.

Cleansing and moisturizing the epidermis will help quickly lighten age spots and will not harm the skin.

Folk remedies for age spots on the face

Folk remedies for skin lightening have been known since ancient times.

Natural ingredients, in comparison with drugs and cosmetics, are absolutely safe, except in cases of allergic reactions to these products.

The most famous and effective folk remedies are:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide;
  2. Lemon;
  3. Parsley;
  4. Castor oil.

Hydrogen peroxide

Doctors recommend using hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of no more than 3.5%. Otherwise, it is necessary to dilute the solution with the required amount of water. Hydrogen peroxide is effective in lightening areas of facial skin.

Professionals advise applying peroxide to clean skin, and after use, removing any residue from the skin, moisturize with cream.

It is important to know! Cosmetologists pay attention to the aggressiveness of the drug and often recommend using the composition as an additional ingredient in a mask or lotion.


Citrus contains acids that have a whitening effect. It should be handled with care so as not to harm your skin.

You can use either lemon juice or lemon zest containing essential oil.

The effects of citric acid are strong, so it is necessary to competently approach the treatment of problem areas. Experts recommend using lemon juice as an additional ingredient in a whitening mask.

After use, it is useful to rinse your face with a decoction of herbs. The procedure must be completed by applying a rich cream.

Important to remember! Not recommended After the procedure, it is not recommended to go out into the sun for at least an hour. After treating areas of the skin with lemon, the epidermis is more susceptible to UV radiation. The situation can be made worse.


Parsley is known for its whitening properties. Green leaves can be boiled and infused, compresses and masks can be made.

You can freeze parsley juice and wipe your face every morning. PThe procedure has not only a whitening, but also a toning effect. You can also make your own lotion from parsley.

For the lotion you will need:

  1. Finely chopped small bunch of parsley;
  2. 75 ml lemon juice;
  3. 250 ml alcohol.

To prepare the lotion, you need to mix the ingredients and leave for 2 weeks. Strain the resulting tincture and can be used.

One of the effective masks for age spots on the face is a mask made from leaves and roots of greenery.

A bunch of parsley must be chopped and boiled to a pulp. After the consistency has cooled, you can apply it to problem areas for 25-35 minutes.

Attention! When using masks and lotions, remember that they have a limited shelf life. The lotion must be used within three days of storage in the refrigerator. Masks are usually not stored for longer than an hour.

Castor oil

The oil has unique properties, it is rich in acids, has a whitening and antibacterial effect. Experts recommend wiping problem areas with oil or making masks with castor oil.

There are no contraindications. However, the oil is not suitable for people with intolerance to the composition, pregnant women and children under one year of age.

Before use, you should apply the oil to your wrist to make sure that the product will not cause irritation or itching. For cuts and small wounds, use is not recommended.

Professional cosmetics for age spots on the face

Professional remedies are much more expensive than traditional or pharmacy remedies and have more side effects.

But at the same time, cosmetic ointments are more effective and allow you to get rid of age spots on the face in a fairly short time.

Cream "Achromin"

The fairly easy application and effectiveness of the drug allowed the product to collect positive reviews and establish itself in the market.

Following the advice of cosmetologists, you need to apply the ointment twice a day to thoroughly cleansed skin.

Experts recommend avoiding the sun for several hours after applying the cream. This can cause even more age spots to appear.

Cosmetologists advise starting to use the drug in winter or spring and ending in autumn.

Serum "Optimals Even Out" from "Oriflame"

The serum from Oriflame is suitable for everyone. The product contains three-leaf meadowsweet and extracts of cherry, calendula and elderberry. Due to the brightening effect, there is a significant reduction in age spots on the face.

The composition contains reflective microparticles, thanks to which the skin tone is evened out and the skin acquires a healthy glow.

The serum is recommended to be used in combination with other products from the Optimals Even Out line for greater effect. It is recommended to apply the serum morning and evening along massage lines.

Cream "Idealia" from "Vichy"

Vichy's anti-pigmentation cream, according to experts, acts from the inside and does not mask external attributes.

The cream contains kombucha, which is known for its beneficial properties. When interacting with other active ingredients, the cream acts gently and effectively.

Experts recommend this product even for delicate skin and note the absence of allergies and irritations to the Idealia cream.

The results of using the cream appear a few hours after application. Cosmetologists note a noticeable evenness of skin tone. After a week, small spots disappear, and larger ones lighten several tones.

The maximum effect from using this product can be observed after 2 months of constant use. The price of the product is about 2000 rubles.

Cream "Biocon"

Biocon cream is designed specifically to combat age spots. The product is aimed at lightening the skin. Many note the high effectiveness of the Biocon line.

The product contains plant extracts and active ingredients with whitening properties, oils and vitamin complexes.

In addition to creams, the anti-pigmentation line includes scrubs, lotions and washing gels.

The cream is very easy to apply. With constant use, the result is visible immediately. Lightening is noticeable after 2 weeks of using this product.

ANEW Clinical Luminocity Cream from Avon

The Avon cream contains aspartic acid, it has a whitening effect and protects the skin from UV radiation., thereby stopping the further spread of pigmentation.

The product significantly evens out skin tone after long-term use, and after 2 weeks there is a significant lightening of the facial skin and a decrease in pigmentation. It is recommended to apply the cream before going to bed, after washing your face first.

There are a huge number of remedies for depigmentation of facial skin, from folk remedies to professional ones. The choice of drug should be approached with the utmost care, studying contraindications and possible side effects.

Before starting use, the best solution would be to consult a cosmetologist and dermatologist. A specialist, based on your preferences and skin characteristics, will select the safest and most effective product.

This video will tell you how ointments and other remedies for age spots on the face work:

From this video you will learn how to get rid of pigmentation on your face: