Pharmaceutical doping in bodybuilding, powerlifting and other strength sports.

In modern practice of sports and recreational athleticism, the problem of doping (from the English dope - to give a drug) - the introduction into the body of an athlete by any means of pharmacological drugs that artificially increase productivity, efficiency and, accordingly, sports results. Anabolic steroids are the most common among athletes. Initially created as pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of patients in the postoperative period, anabolic steroids in the body of young athletes in the initial stages of their use cause a number of “tempting” effects...

There is a hyper-rapid increase in the muscle mass, volume and relief that any new bodybuilder needs, as well as strength indicators, the volume of tolerated physical activity and the speed of recovery after it increases - exactly what every powerlifter dreams of.

However, super-powerful doses of anabolic steroids used by athletes in powerlifting and bodybuilding for these “sports” purposes exceed therapeutic doses by 10-20, and sometimes even 40 times, which inevitably causes irreversible harm to health. The consequences of this “therapy”:

  1. liver dysfunction, including tumor formations;
  2. negative impact on the reproductive system - spermatogenesis is disrupted, libido decreases;
  3. carbohydrate and fat metabolism is disrupted in the endocrine system, which can provoke diabetes mellitus;
  4. the appearance of hypertension;
  5. decreased immunity;
  6. mental disorders - high irritability, aggression, mental dependence on anabolic drugs (cessation of use causes depression);
  7. increased injury rates due to imbalances in structural changes in muscle, connective and bone tissues.

Having looked at beautiful photographs in glossy magazines, at the forms and relief of outstanding bodybuilding and fitness stars, newly minted bodybuilders are looking in pharmacies, medical institutions, sports nutrition stores and online stores not only for such natural and relatively free drugs as Leuzea, microhydrin , caral calcium and others. But also such powerful pharmacological agents as methane, dianabol, methandienone, dianabol, deca, andriol, tamoxifen, injection insulin and many others... At the same time, beginners do not realize that professional athletes take this chemistry under the careful supervision of a whole group assigned to They are doctors who clearly calculate dosages, the combination of these drugs with other drugs used, who constantly monitor their analyzes and other objective and subjective indicators. Beginners naively believe: since the pros can do everything, it means everything will work out for me, and they mindlessly take these far from fully studied substances. But even a simple overdose of, for example, insulin can lead not only to chronic illness, but even death! And taking many drugs, such as methandrostenolone and its analogues, in addition to the correctly selected dosage, also requires a clear regimen of use (taking the drug according to a pre-selected plan), mandatory addition of the course to a whole range of rehabilitation measures and, accordingly, rehabilitation drugs, mandatory long pauses between courses of administration and other, other, other nuances...

  1. sufficient physical activity and hardening,
  2. compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards,
  3. rational, high-quality and nutritious nutrition,
  4. a well-planned rational regime of work and rest,
  5. absence of bad habits.

Therefore, in pursuit of quick results, having become seriously interested in sports pharmacology, it is better to think again: do you need “such pharmaceutical doping”, or perhaps it is not worth exposing your only life and unique health to such an unjustified risk? As the old Slavic proverb says - “You drive more slowly...”

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