Pharmacy Central District

Central District Pharmacy: Organization and Management

The Central District Pharmacy is an organization that provides administrative, organizational and methodological management of all pharmacies in the rural and urban administrative region where it is located.

The main task of the Central District Pharmacy is to provide the population with necessary medicines and medical products. It also monitors the quality of drugs and medical devices, and provides training to pharmacists and other pharmacy staff.

The pharmacy consists of several departments, each of which performs specific functions. For example, the purchasing department is responsible for purchasing drugs and medical products from suppliers, and the sales department is responsible for selling drugs and medical products to the public.

In addition, the Central District Pharmacy can provide services for the storage and transportation of medicines, as well as conducting clinical trials of new medicines.

Today, pharmacies offer many drugs. How not to get lost among them and choose the right remedy that will be an effective help for a particular patient. One of the pharmacies selling medicines is the Central District Pharmacy. You can find more detailed information about this pharmacy in the article below.

**Pharmacy Central District (A)**

is a complex organizational structure that includes groups of pharmacies and other divisions for the sale of medical products. In the structure of larger pharmacy chains, the central place is occupied by the Head Pharmacy (CPA). It performs the functions of the pharmacy of the central region and the administrative and organizational management of pharmacies throughout the region. Its functions include: * registration and accounting of all CRAs in