
Dysosmeyia is a disorder of the sense of smell in which a person is unable to smell. Dysosmia can be temporary or permanent, and its causes can be various diseases, such as anosmia, chronic runny nose, dysfunction of the nervous system and other diseases. In this article we will look at what dysoosmia is, its causes and treatment methods.

What is dysossmia?

Dysosmia is a disorder of smell perception. This condition occurs suddenly or gradually. A person does not feel any aromas, the surrounding aromas seem the same, food is perceived without flavor nuances. The sufferer is unable to distinguish certain odors; their intensity is incomprehensible to him. He is able to perceive only pungent, bitter, salty, sweet or sour tastes. Some patients have no change in appetite, normal condition of the oral cavity, teeth become mobile and enlarge. Vision deteriorates, tears flow from the eyes, patients experience irritability, insomnia, sometimes panic attacks, sometimes the composition of saliva and urine changes, and headaches begin. In some patients, appetite worsens, body weight rapidly decreases, and health deteriorates.