Arabic makeup for green eyes

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Oriental makeup has always captivated European seductresses. A variety of derivatives of oriental makeup (Japanese, Arabic and Indian styles) allow you to turn the disadvantages of appearance into their advantages.

Arabic makeup is a whole science, which, compared to Chinese calligraphy, has its own subtleties and nuances. Knowledge of the technique will help you create beautiful Arabic makeup. The emphasis is definitely on the eyes.

Arabic makeup is ideal for owners of green and brown eyes. But dear ladies, no one forbids experiments! And professional cosmetics allow you to choose unforgettable colors for any eye color.

Arabic makeup sequence

Professionals highlight four main steps that allow you to create unrivaled Arabic makeup.

  1. Step #1.
    This step is to determine the correct oriental palette. Shadows should be pearlescent or matte. Most people choose shiny shades, since we associate the East with a lot of sparkles and bright colors.

For black and chocolate brown eyes, you can use blue, cyan, yellow, bright red, brown and gold tones. For blues, gray, sandy-golden, lilac, pink, and purple colors are used.

It is worth remembering that all these colors should be used exclusively in combination, and not in a single design.

Step #2.
At this stage, we put the eyebrows in order. Eyebrows are drawn thin, even and black. You can draw a line a little to the bridge of the nose, as well as to the temples. Step #3.
The application of shadows should be done in an oriental manner. The first layer is applied thickly to the entire upper eyelid. All other shades are in accordance with accepted standards to make the eye make up luxurious and bright. Step #4.
Eyeliner is a must, black and liquid is ideal. We draw lines so that the eyes become almond-shaped. Then we apply dark shadows. Finally, mascara is applied, only black. The lower eyelashes are colored once, and the upper ones at least twice.

Important point: Arabic makeup will not look impressive if your hair is not thick and long. Hands should be well-groomed, the manicure should be beautiful, the aroma of perfume should be intoxicating, and the lips should be painted, but not flashy.

General trends in Arabic makeup

Firstly, we even out the tone of the face, masking all the flaws. Don't forget to apply some foundation on your eyelids. Secondly, we apply brown pearlescent shadows to the moving eyelid, slightly lifting the outer corners of the eyes.

Thirdly, we apply a pink shade slightly above the main dark tone. We shade all the borders. Fourth, we draw beautiful arrows connecting the bottom and top lines. Leave the upper contour clear, and shade the lower one with a thin brush.

Apply mascara to the eyelashes according to the technique described above. Beautiful Arabic makeup is ready, even with such a minimal palette.

Arabic makeup for green eyes

As mentioned earlier, owners of green eyes have a hard time, but everything is subject to beauty. The eyelids are covered with foundation and powder; you can also use a special shadow base, which has a more liquid and light texture. Then we apply eye makeup according to the technique you see in the picture.

Transparent matte shadows in pastel colors are applied to the inner corner of the eyes. If you are young and are not going to an interview, then you can use light pearlescent shadows. You can take advantage of this trend if your eyes are very deep set.

A medium tone is applied to the middle of the upper eyelid. No matter what shade of green eyes you have, olive and light green shades will look great. We emphasize the lower eyelid with similar tones. Apply dark gray shadows to the lower and upper corners of the eyes. After this, we shade all the borders.

Owners of green almond-shaped and very expressive eyes do not necessarily need to use pencil or eyeliner. You can get by with mascara.

Arabic makeup for blue eyes

If you have blue eyes, you need to be especially careful with the choice of palette and the choice of foundation shade. The procedure is similar to any other. It is worth remembering that the skin should look velvety, not shiny. Blush would be completely inappropriate here.

When creating makeup for blue eyes, pay special attention to the eyeliner; it must be matte, made with a pencil and shadows in black and dark brown. It should be surrounded by a light pastel glossy shade along the outer edge.

When using several shades of shadows that fit into the makeup of blue eyes, it is necessary to make a smooth transition between them. Mascara should only be black and nothing else.

Arabic makeup for brown eyes

  1. We tidy up our eyebrows. If they are not long enough, then use an eyebrow pencil to make a line of the required size.
  2. Shadows can be blue, pink, green, brown. They can be mixed with each other however you like. You can use both matte and glossy shades. The shadows are applied carefully, covering the entire sub-brow area.
  3. The eyeliner should be charcoal black. We draw both the lower and upper eyelids.
  4. If you are a blonde, then the mascara can be dark brown, and if you are a redhead, brunette or brown-haired woman, then only black mascara.
  5. It is better to choose delicate pink or peach tones for lipstick.

Whether you have blue, green, brown, gray or chameleon eyes, Arabic makeup should be flawless. You will easily achieve the desired result if you follow our advice.

Arabic style makeup includes sweeping eyeliner and thick smokey eyes, a bright emphasis on the eyes and lips, the use of rich shades, and sometimes even rhinestones and sparkles. Our tips will help you look like the main character of Aladdin

it will take 4 minutes to read

Text: Editorial staff of January 11, 2018


Makeup in the Arabic style, like beauties from oriental fairy tales - how to do it and what products will be needed for this? We tell you in every detail.

Characteristic features of Arabic makeup

The main thing in oriental makeup is color. Arab women use their face as an artistic canvas, trying to emphasize natural beauty with the help of bright eyeshadow (they don’t skimp on color and use as many shades as possible), jet-black eyeliner and thick lipstick. By the way, similar makeup is often found among Indian women; the ideal example is the Bollywood diva Aishwarya Rai (our step-by-step photo instructions will help you accurately replicate the actress’s makeup).

Aishwarya Rai © Getty

The reason for this is the need for women to wear closed clothing, which sometimes covers the entire face, leaving only slits for the eyes. Therefore, special attention is paid to eye makeup: wide arrows are drawn, eyelashes are thickly painted with mascara in several layers - everything to make the look mysterious, deep and bright.

To perform Arabic makeup, you will need a large amount of decorative cosmetics: a palette of shadows, kajala and eyeliner, lipsticks, bronzers, eye pencils, highlighters and lip glosses. The shades can be mixed with each other and played with the palette: the main thing is to achieve a rich and dense coverage.

Arabic makeup with an emphasis on the eyes

Makeup, like that of an oriental princess from a fairy tale, is necessarily makeup with an emphasis on the eyes. It usually consists of shadows applied using the smoky eyes technique, neat graphic arrows and thickly colored eyelashes.

  1. It is necessary to emphasize not only the upper, but also the lower eyelid with cosmetics: Arab women run a soft pencil along the mucous membrane of the eye to give additional depth to the look.
  2. The inner corner of the eye can be slightly highlighted with a highlighter or silver shadows (or you can use a light-colored pencil): this way you will achieve the effect of a fresh and open look.

  1. Don’t forget that you will also need to highlight your eyebrows: they are emphasized with a pencil, drawing in the missing hairs and creating a clearly drawn line with an expressive bend, or other special means. Eyebrow mascara will help smooth the hairs, wax will visually make them denser and thicker.

Thus, the step-by-step technique of Arabic makeup includes applying a base, foundation, concealer in the area around the eyes, corrector in areas with imperfections, bronzer (less often pink blush) and highlighter to create chiseled cheekbones, eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, eye shadow and lipstick on lips. The skin should turn out perfectly smooth, matte, but with radiant cheekbones.

Arabic makeup for brown eyes

Brown is the most common eye color among Arab women. That is why it will be easier for owners of brown eyes to repeat makeup in an oriental style. The main shades are deep blue, emerald, gold, black, as well as all shades of brown.

First, be sure to line the lower and upper eyelids with a pencil (dark brown or black), giving the look depth. After that, start applying shadows.

Brown eyes themselves are quite bright, but the effect can be enhanced by metallic shadows - a favorite technique of Arab women. Apply them to the eyelid and inner corner of the eye to give a fresh look. Use warm shades such as copper and bronze.

Arabic makeup for blue eyes

Sometimes Eastern women wear colored lenses to turn brown eyes blue, green or gray - this way the combination of dark tanned skin, light eyes and bright makeup looks even more impressive.

To create oriental makeup on blue eyes, it is best to use cool shades: violet, gray and blue. To add brightness to your look, use silver shadows with pearl or metallic sheen - a classic black eyeliner will look especially impressive on them. Shades of ocher, gold and copper are also suitable.

Arabic makeup with bright lips

Eastern girls are not afraid to emphasize both lips and eyes at the same time. There are no limits to lip makeup: you can use both thick matte lipsticks and glossy glosses (the main thing is bright shades).

  1. The most popular combination is dark smoky eyes and classic red lipstick.
  2. You can also highlight your lips using lipstick of other shades: choose colorful berry colors - wine, the color of ripe cherries or currants, carmine and coral.
  3. Beige nude shades are also welcome (especially if you highlight your eyes very brightly): in this case, it is better to use a matte texture.

And be sure to carefully draw the shape of your lips using a pencil (read how to do this correctly here). Arab girls do not accept the natural, “blurred” contour that is popular on catwalks.

Arabic makeup ideas: photo selection

To replicate your Arabic-inspired makeup look, use these photos as inspiration and start experimenting with eyeshadow and liners!