
Arenoviruses (lat. arenavirus) are a genus of viruses (kingdom of viruses) belonging to the family of retroviruses. This group of viruses primarily affects higher vertebrates, wild and domestic animals. To date, only 8 species of arenoviruses have been recorded, but the possibility of the existence of other, not yet identified species is assumed.

Taxonomy and classification of the genus: Viruses are considered as obligate intracellular parasites that form an infectious phase only inside the cells they infect, which indicates the phylogenetic domain - Vira. Other data: The diameter of mature virions is about 50–120 nm, containing single-stranded RNA embedded in a lipid bilayer. They are placed in the group of endogenous retroviruses of class I and are represented by the corresponding strains of HIV. Arenoviruses (by the shape of the virus) can be considered similar in structure and also relatively small