Gravitza Tumor

Grawitz tumor is a rare malignant neoplasm of gastric epithelial tissue that was described in the 19th century by German pathologist Paul Grawitz. This disease, also known as Pitowski's carcinoma, is one of the rare types

Grawitz tumor is a rare cancer that was discovered by German pathologist Peter Grawitz in 1902. The name comes from the name of the scientist who first diagnosed this form of tumor. Gravitsa tumor is a form of clear cell lung cancer.

Grawitz tumor is a rare malignant neoplasm first described in 1886 by German pathologist Otto Gebhaus and Paul Grawitz. This disease was named after the German pathologist, because. he was the main author of this tumor. Gravittots is a type of sarcoma of the sebaceous glands.

Gravitts tumor is known for its rapid growth and aggressiveness. It can appear on different parts of the body, but is most often found on the head, neck, torso, limbs and face. Diagnosis can be difficult due to the absence of symptoms in the early stages of tumor development, as well as when the tumor is localized in hard-to-reach areas. If the tumor grows towards vital organs, the risk of death increases sharply due to their mechanical damage. Also, the malignant nature of the tumor does not provide the opportunity for conservative therapy, contributing, at this stage, to the development of inflammatory processes and febrile conditions