Kupfera Cell

Kupffer's circle was first described by the famous German medical anatomist Ludwig Kupffer (also known as Ludwig Kupfernagel - the German name for Kupffer's cell). And as it is also called - Kupffer's cell. It was named in honor of the German histologist Wilhelm Ludwig Kupffer (1828 - 1903), whose first and last name are now associated with this cell, which, probably, many, although they glimpsed, did not know about its existence until they asked me this question. That's it. After all, the “Kupffer cell” or Kupffer’s captella sinus, or even simpler, the Cooper cell appeared, and I don’t remember how many times in the course on vascular morphology. And yes, I contradict myself, judging by my own words at the beginning of the title, but the Kupffer circle is not in the description... For convenience, I will call