Reflex Kuimova

The KyumImov reflex is a neurological term in honor of the Russian scientist Vladimir Viktorovich Kuimov. He should not be confused with the famous Russian writer and publicist Nikolai Ivanovich Kuimov. Both of these people became widely known only because of the events related to them from neurological practice, and from a scientific point of view they do not belong to each other.

So why does the reflex have this name? According to the fundamental textbook of the encyclopedia: “Nervous and mental diseases” under the general editorship of Professor Yazdovsky V.V., by a team of authors consisting of doctors of science, in chapter 75 “Symptoms” a description is given of “KuimOv test for dorsal radicular syndrome, with damage to lower thoracic osteochondrosis dorsal ganglion."

In turn, “Damage (or damage) to the neuromuscular nodes in any segment of the spinal artery” may have a different name in most neurological textbooks. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the essence of this symptom:

“Often, with incomplete damage to the roots of the spinal nerves, phenomena of irritation of the sensitive root may occur. The patient feels as if either a stabbing pain or pressure appears at the root. It seems to him that the root is compressed by something and causes the listed