Normoosmotic hyperhydration

Overhydration is a condition when too much fluid accumulates in the human body. This can be caused by various reasons such as drinking too much water, not producing enough urine, taking certain medications, etc.

Overhydration can have serious health consequences. It can lead to edema, increased blood pressure, and disruption of the heart and other organs. In addition, overhydration can cause kidney dysfunction, which can lead to the development of kidney failure.

One way to treat overhydration is to reduce the amount of fluid consumed and increase its excretion through the kidneys. Various medications such as diuretics may also be used.

However, overhydration cannot be treated on its own. If you notice symptoms of this condition, you should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Normoosomtic hyperhydration is a condition in which the body is dehydrated, but the distribution of water in the body corresponds to physiological parameters, which helps maintain normal blood pressure and metabolic processes. Physiological hyperhydration can occur during physical activity or for a long time, for example, in hot weather among residents of the tropics or in summer in areas with high air humidity. Pathological overhydration can occur with various diseases leading to loss of fluid from the body.

Normoosmotic hyperhydration is temporary and can go away on its own, but if it does not stop, then treatment can be prescribed by a doctor depending on the cause of its occurrence. It can be beneficial for the body, helping to cope with thirst.