
Country of origin - Poland
Pharm-Group - Antimicrobial sulfonamide agents

Manufacturers - Elfa pharmaceutical plant A.O. (Poland)
International name - Silver sulfathiazole
Dosage forms - cream 2%
Composition - Sulfathiazole silver salt - 20 mg.

Indications for use:

  1. burns of all degrees of any etiology (including radiation)
  2. frostbite
  3. purulent wounds
  4. minor household injuries (cuts, abrasions)
  5. infected dermatitis (including simple contact dermatitis complicated by impetigo), microbial eczema, streptostaphyloderma
  6. bedsores
  7. trophic ulcers of the leg of various origins (including chronic venous insufficiency, obliterating endarteritis, angiopathy in diabetes mellitus, erysipelas).


  1. congenital deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
  2. hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and other sulfonamides
    The drug is not prescribed to premature babies and newborns (children under 2 months of age).

Side effect:
Possible: allergic skin reactions. In case of long-term use, adverse reactions similar to those that occur with systemic use of sulfonamides may develop.

It is not recommended to prescribe simultaneously with other drugs for external use. Folic acid and its structural analogues may reduce the antimicrobial effect of sulfathiazole.

Overdose: No data available.

Special instructions:
Pregnancy and lactation
The use of Argosulfan during pregnancy is possible only in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus. Argosulfan can be prescribed during lactation if the surface of the coolant