Arkhangelsk Obstetric Turn

Arkhangelsk Obstetric Turn (AAP) is a method of delivery developed by Soviet obstetrician-gynecologist Boris Aleksandrovich Arkhangelsky (1890-1954) in the 1920s. This method was developed to make labor easier for women with narrow pelvises and other labor difficulties.

B. A. Arkhangelsky was one of the first researchers who began to study the problems of childbirth in women in difficult situations. He conducted a lot of research and developed a delivery method for women with narrow pelvises and other characteristics of childbirth.

AAP is that the woman lies on her side, and the doctor performs the birth in the supine position. This avoids pressure on the cervix and speeds up labor. In addition, this method avoids injury to mother and baby.

The Arkhangelsk Obstetric Turn became a very popular method of childbirth in the USSR in the 1930s. However, with the development of medicine and the advent of new methods of childbirth, AAP has become less in demand.

Today, AAP is used only in some countries where it is the traditional method of delivery. In Russia, this method is not used, since there are more effective and safe methods of childbirth.

The history of the medical scientific contribution of Dr. Boris Aleksandrovich Arkhangelsky was very interesting. When the 20th century began in Russia, a huge number of women were noticed experiencing certain difficulties in giving birth to a child. Doctors and obstetricians tried to improve this situation by conducting various experiments and studies. One of Dr. Arkhangelsky's most significant contributions was the Arkhangelsk obstetric twist, which he developed during his practice.

Boris Aleksandrovich Arkhangelsky was a famous Soviet obstetrician-gynecologist, born in Kronstadt in 1880. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of St. Petersburg University and immediately began working at the Women's Medical Institute, where he served as head of the obstetric department. During this period, he studied a lot and applied all possible techniques to facilitate childbirth in women. Arkhangelsky soon realized that traditional approaches to obstetric rotation do not always produce positive results.

He began experimenting and developed a new way of using the obstetric turn. The new method involved twisting the baby's head and hips sharply during labor, with the obstetrician standing at the woman's side. Arkhangelsky called this maneuver the “Arkhangelsk obstetric turn.” Soon this method began to be widely used in many maternity hospitals in the USSR, because its use ensured the birth of a child without the use of force and with less risk to the woman and her health. This method also reduced the need to use scissors to facilitate labor.

Arkhangelsky remained devoted to his method of obstetric turn and became the founder of a new direction in obstetric practice on the territory of the Soviet Union. His experience and method largely influenced the development of obstetrics in Russia and other countries. Thanks to his work, many women have successfully gone through labor without having to use force or use scissors to force labor.