Arnica properties in cosmetology

Efficiency and safety during use are the key positive qualities of homeopathic ointment "Arnica". For sprains and injuries of soft tissues, the product is indispensable. The instructions for use contain a complete list of cases when the drug may be useful.

Release form

“Arnica” is produced in aluminum or plastic tubes with a volume of 30 g. It is produced in the form of a homogeneous yellowish-green substance with a specific odor. Instructions for using the ointment are included with the tube, which is additionally packaged in a cardboard box.

Composition of the product

The main active substance in the preparation is mountain arnica extract. Mountain arnica flowers are used in medicine due to their effective medicinal properties, rich in essential oils, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, tannins, betaine, and sugars.

The naturalness of the composition is one of the main advantages of the drug. Enriching a homeopathic remedy with natural plant extracts makes it even more useful.

The ointment contains various macro- and microelements:

In addition to the main components that have healing properties, an auxiliary agent, Vaseline, is used to impart viscosity.

Effect of the ointment

In pharmaceuticals, arnica-based drugs are prescribed to achieve a calming effect and relieve spasms.

The components included in the ointment have different effects on the injured area:

  1. Arnica montana extract used to speed up the healing process of wounds, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and helps stop bleeding. This is an indispensable remedy for healing bruises and pain relief.
  2. Plantain extract – has an antibacterial effect on burns, bruises, abscesses and ulcers.
  3. Lobelin, which is part of the extract, has a moderate antimicrobial effect.
  4. Inulin, Belonging to the group of polysaccharides, it activates the activity of the immune system. At the same time, the body's resistance to infections increases significantly.
  5. Helenalyn added to provide a hemostatic effect.

By increasing blood flow in the upper layers of the epidermis, the process of resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages is enhanced. Improvement from the use of Arnica will be noticeable already on the 2nd day: the skin will be actively restored, the injured area will no longer be bothered by pain.

The high concentration of active components included in the ointment provides a complex therapeutic effect:

  1. Reduced puffiness and swelling.
  2. Elimination of pinpoint hemorrhages and extensive hematomas.
  3. Regeneration of vessels damaged as a result of trauma.
  4. Acceleration of the recovery process of muscles, skin, ligaments, tendons, subcutaneous tissue.

"Arnica" ointment, the instructions for use of which contain all the necessary information about the use of the drug, is also used for cosmetic purposes.

Arnica extract has an effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, significantly reducing the production of sebaceous secretions. Treatment with acne courses allows you to restore the skin to a healthy appearance, saturating it with moisture and eliminating the possibility of clogged pores.

Indications for use in cosmetology and medicine

Due to its powerful regenerating properties, there are a large number of indications for the use of a homeopathic drug:

  1. Chronic dermatitis;
  2. Burns;
  3. Insect bites accompanied by swelling, pain or itching;
  4. Muscle and joint pain;
  5. Bruises and dislocations, sprains;
  6. Partial or complete ruptures of muscles, tendons and ligaments;
  7. Joint pathologies in remission;
  8. Painful sensations during exacerbations of rheumatism;
  9. Damage to soft tissues;
  10. Hematomas of various locations;
  11. Boils, skin lesions with pustular rashes.

The ointment is used in cases where the integrity of the skin is not compromised.

The drug helps alleviate post-traumatic conditions and stop capillary bleeding.

The ointment copes well with various dermatological problems:

  1. Various rashes, ulcers on the face;
  2. Expression wrinkles;
  3. Edema;
  4. Dermatitis;
  5. Inflammatory skin diseases;
  6. Redness. Helps reduce spider veins and spider veins;
  7. Dark circles under the eyes;
  8. Rosacea and rosacea.

The action of arnica extract is aimed at improving the condition of dry and damaged skin: it is saturated and elasticity is restored. In cosmetology, the drug is often recommended for use after mesotherapy sessions. After its use, wound healing and elimination of bruises will be much faster.


"Arnica" ointment, the instructions for use of which indicate contraindications in the form of individual intolerance, is not always useful.

The drug is not recommended for use:

  1. In case of hypersensitivity to substances included in the ointment.
  2. In case of skin disorders.
  3. For dermatitis accompanied by sputum production.

Due to the lack of information on the results of clinical studies, the homeopathic remedy is not prescribed to children under 1 year of age and pregnant women, as well as women during lactation.

One of the components of Arnica is helenalin, a substance that is a strong allergen. This component may carry a high risk of skin irritation, especially in case of overdose of the drug. Its content in the ointment is insignificant, but when first used, people prone to allergic reactions should be extremely careful.

Instructions for use for children and adults

The instructions for using Arnica ointment contain information that the drug should be used externally only. Apply the product to the damaged area in the morning and evening. The course of such treatment is 3-7 days. When applying, it is recommended to lightly rub the product until it is partially absorbed. Injured areas must be cleaned before application.

Treatment of bruises and elimination of hematomas are the most common cases when the drug is used for children over 1 year of age. Arnica accelerates the regeneration process, helps relieve pain, and dissolve subcutaneous coagulated blood.

Children should also apply the ointment to the cleaned area of ​​the injury, lightly rubbing and not wrapping. It is strictly prohibited to apply the drug to open wounds and mucous membranes.

How to use for lactostasis

Research on the use of arnica extract during breastfeeding has not been extensively conducted, so It is not advisable to use the ointment without first consulting a doctor. The appearance of stagnant processes in the milk ducts can lead to pain, purulent mastitis and infection in the area of ​​stagnation.

Promoting easier milk flow, Arnica ointment is often used for lactostasis.

It promotes rapid onset of relief in the mammary glands, relieves swelling and reduces pain. The drug is applied in the periods between feedings with light massage movements. Immediately before feeding, it is recommended to cleanse the mammary glands to remove any remaining ointment.

Using ointment for wrinkles on the face

Most of the effects that Arnica ointment has are used to solve various aesthetic problems in cosmetology. The plant composition helps restore the skin as a result of damage. Arnica enhances lymphatic drainage in nearby tissues, activating metabolic processes.

When the first signs of age-related changes appear, it is necessary to provide the skin with proper care using specially selected products. Some of the products are too expensive, and the effect of their use may be minimal or even absent. In this case, you should pay attention to pharmaceutical drugs that contain powerful active ingredients.

Arnica ointment copes well with shallow expression wrinkles

“Arnica” ointment (instructions for use are presented above) is actively used to smooth out the fine network of wrinkles on the face. Due to the peculiarities of the composition and the presence of petroleum jelly, the product tightly covers the surface of the skin, retaining moisture and maintaining its elasticity. Arnica extract has a beneficial effect on delicate facial skin, eliminating dryness and flaking.

To prevent an allergic reaction on the face Before use, it is recommended to test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​skin - behind the ear or in the crook of the arm. If there are no unwanted reactions, then the drug can be used on the face.

When used systematically, the active ingredients will help smooth out facial contours, eliminate wrinkles and tighten sagging tissue. The product is applied to the skin of the face before going to bed, and after sleep, its remnants are removed by washing.

special instructions

When using a homeopathic remedy, there is a small chance of temporary exacerbations. If this happens, it is recommended to temporarily stop using arnica extract and consult a doctor.

The drug does not affect the speed of reflexes and the ability to concentrate, since it does not contain aggressive agents. The ointment can be used by persons whose activities require quick reactions: when using it, you can control vehicles and moving mechanisms.

Before using the medicine, adults and children need to make sure that the wounds subsequently treated are not infected. The penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into damaged tissue requires additional treatment in the form of antibiotics.

The ointment should not be used to treat open wounds resulting from varying degrees of damage.

Contact with mucous membranes (oral cavity, eyes, nose) should be avoided, and if the product gets in contact, you should immediately rinse the area with plenty of water.

Interaction with other tools

The use of homeopathic remedies does not exclude the joint use of traditional medicine. Therefore, Arnica ointment can be used with various medications.

Side effects

You can minimize the likelihood of side effects by first consulting with a traumatologist or dermatologist. Your doctor will help you calculate the optimal dose for using the drug, reducing the possibility of an allergic reaction.

When using arnica extract, isolated cases of hives, swelling and slight redness have been observed. All these side effects are associated with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


In most cases, the ointment is well tolerated during treatment. Using Arnica more than 2 times a day or applying an excessive amount of the drug to the site of injury can lead to an overdose, which will manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction: redness, itching, hives.

In this case, it is recommended to temporarily stop using the ointment and remove its remnants from the skin with water. Symptoms should disappear on their own within 2-3 days. If this does not happen, then you should seek help from a doctor.


If for some reason the use of Arnica ointment is not possible, then its analogues can be used.

These products have the following properties:

  1. "Traumel" – homeopathic remedy with complex action. The ointment is used for injuries, sprains, and various sprains. Arnica montana is the main active component of the drug.
  2. Kuznetsov ointment – used for joint and muscle injuries to relieve pain.
  3. Ointment "Tsel T" – effective in eliminating pain and normalizing processes in bone and cartilage tissue. In the treatment of osteochondrosis and various joint pathologies, it has an analgesic effect.
  4. "Newflex" – a drug in the form of an anti-edematous gel to eliminate hematomas. The action is aimed at increasing the elasticity of the epidermis.
  5. "Doctor Theiss Arnica" – the drug has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect, helps eliminate bruises.

The combined composition of analogue ointments provides a wide range of anti-inflammatory effects and helps relieve pain.

Terms and conditions of storage

The maximum shelf life of a homeopathic medicine is 2 years, after which the product cannot be used. Storage must be ensured in a place inaccessible to children. The drug should be protected from direct sunlight, otherwise its properties may be damaged. During storage, ensure a temperature of up to 20°C.

Price of Arnica ointment in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

You can purchase the ointment at almost any pharmacy chain. The product is not only highly effective, but also at a relatively reasonable price.

Depending on the manufacturer, the price of the drug may vary:

Average price for a Russian-made drug Average price for a foreign-made drug
Pharmacies in Moscow
60 rub. 270 rub.
Pharmacies in St. Petersburg
60 rub. 220 rub.
Pharmacies in the regions
55 rub. 204 rub.

To purchase the drug in pharmacies, a doctor's prescription is not required.

Reviews from doctors and patients about the effectiveness of the ointment

People's opinions regarding the homeopathic drug "Arnica" are quite contradictory: some of them are completely confident in the absence of a therapeutic effect due to the complete naturalness of the product, others are confident in the miraculous effects of medicinal herbs. In most cases, reviews from the use of the ointment are positive.

Mothers with small children are especially positive and recommend having the drug in the first aid kit.

The ointment does not sting the baby's delicate skin and contains natural ingredients. When relieving swelling from insect bites and quickly eliminating bruises, Arnica ointment is an indispensable remedy.

Doctors in most cases consider a homeopathic drug as an adjunct that should be used in combination with the main methods of drug therapy. In cosmetology practice, opinions are mixed, but some cosmetologists highlight the product as quite effective in the fight for clear facial skin.

Unambiguous conclusions can be drawn only after independent use of a homeopathic remedy. Information about Arnica ointment is generalized and for informational purposes only. This description does not replace the official instructions for use of the drug.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: Arnica ointment

Homeopathic remedy: Arnica ointment for bruises and bruises:

Useful properties and uses of mountain arnica:

Accidental abrasions, bruises, sprains, pain in muscles and joints haunt most people throughout their lives.

It is difficult for a person with an allergy to the chemical components of drugs to choose the right remedy to relieve unpleasant symptoms in case of muscle tissue injury.

An alternative is homeopathy products, which consist of natural ingredients and rarely cause side effects.

One such effective remedy in the treatment of injured tissue is Arnica ointment.

Description and properties of Arnica ointment

Arnica ointment is produced in Russia by large pharmaceutical companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg, refers to homeopathic preparations consisting of natural ingredients.

Forms of release of the drug: a jar of tinted glass 20 g and an aluminum tube 30 g.

The ointment has the following medicinal properties:

  1. relieves inflammation;
  2. stops bleeding;
  3. resolves blood clots;
  4. good antiseptic;
  5. reduces swelling;
  6. effectively relieves pain;
  7. restores damaged tissues;
  8. strengthens blood vessels;
  9. resolves hematomas;
  10. removes irritation;
  11. stimulates phagocytosis (protection against pathogenic bacteria).

Arnica ointment, whose indications for use include an extensive list of skin lesions, can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

Composition of the drug

The main component of the ointment is a tincture of arnica inflorescences, and the auxiliary substance is medical petroleum jelly.

Arnica ointment can be enriched with tea tree and sea buckthorn oils, extracts of calendula, chamomile, plantain flowers, and the mineral substance mumiyo.

The arnica plant contains beneficial microelements and macroelements:

Arnica contains essential oils, tannins and resins, organic acids, arnicin, and vitamins.

In homeopathy, the arnica plant is the most effective remedy for bruises and injuries. (including post-operative). It is also a quick pain reliever. Helps in the resorption of blood clots and has antiseptic properties.

Mechanism of action

When in contact with the skin, the ointment has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and local irritant effects.

Irritated receptors of the upper layer of the epidermis and lower subcutaneous formations increase blood flow and enhance the process of resorption of hemorrhages.

Immunological processes are stimulated, and infectious processes are slowed down. The pain gradually subsides. The wounds are healing.

Indications for use and dosage of Arnica ointment

Arnica ointment has indications for use:

  1. pain in joints and muscles;
  2. skin dermatitis;
  3. hematomas;
  4. sunburn;
  5. bruises;
  6. bruising;
  7. joint pathologies;
  8. sprains;
  9. postoperative injuries;
  10. boils.

Arnica ointment, taking into account the indications for use, is applied to cleansed, dry affected areas of the skin with lightly rubbing movements. The application procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy lasts on average from 7 to 10 days.

Basic rules of use

The effectiveness of the product directly depends on its correct application.

Rules for using Arnica ointment:

  1. The affected area of ​​the epidermis should be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic;
  2. When treating joints, the step of using an antiseptic can be omitted and the ointment applied to the painful area;
  3. The ointment should be applied in small portions and lightly rubbed over the affected area;
  4. Do not use the product for more than the period specified in the instructions, otherwise it may cause irritation and dry skin;
  5. In the first 2-3 days of using the ointment, the condition may worsen, but then it improves;
  6. If improvement does not occur within 5 days, then use of the drug must be stopped;
  7. If allergic reactions occur, you should refuse treatment with this drug.

Contraindications for the use of the drug

The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  1. acute intolerance to ointment components;
  2. skin diseases with weeping wounds;
  3. violation of the integrity of the epidermis;
  4. children under 1 year of age;
  5. period of bearing a child;
  6. breast-feeding.

Be careful! Arnica ointment is indicated for use in children over 1 year of age only under the strict supervision of a physician, since the safety of treatment of children with the drug has not been fully studied.

Possible side effects

The ointment causes side effects in rare cases. Of these, allergic reactions and local blistering dermatitis can be distinguished.

Interesting fact! When treated with Arnica, concentration does not weaken, so vehicle drivers are allowed to use the drug at any time of the day.

Drug overdose

According to studies, Arnica ointment (indications for use were fully suitable) did not cause cases of overdose.

If you carelessly use a large amount of the product, as well as ingest the ointment, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Poisoning with the drug can cause painful symptoms in the following organs and systems:

  1. reaction from the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps;
  2. from the cardiac system: shortness of breath, cardiac arrhythmia, chest pain, cardiac arrest;
  3. from the nervous system: convulsions, paralysis, dizziness, drowsiness, in rare cases - coma.

Does not conflict with other drugs and can be taken with them when prescribed by a doctor.

Storage conditions and price range of ointment

It is recommended to store the product in a dark place, out of reach of children. Be sure to keep the temperature no higher than 20 °C. Protect from direct sunlight.

Shelf life is 2 years from the date of manufacture of the ointment.

The cost of a 20 g dark glass jar varies from 240 rubles. The price of an aluminum tube is from 60 rubles. for 30 years

Analogues of the drug "Arnica"

Indications for use, active ingredients, price

Analogues of Arnica ointment
Traumeel ointment It is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, injuries, sprains, dislocations.

Active ingredients: arnica montana, marigold, echinacea, chamomile, St. John's wort.

The price of the drug for 50 g is about 400 rubles.

"Newflex" gel It has an anti-edematous effect, seals the walls of blood vessels, increases the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis, and effectively copes with bruises.

The composition includes arnica, metol, lemon oil, water.

Price from 150 rub. for 50 ml.

Kuznetsov ointment Indicated for bruises, sprains, back pain, myalgia, joint and muscle injuries, arthralgia, myositis.

The composition includes arnica tincture, lavender oil, bee venom, camphor.

The cost of the drug is from 50 rubles. for 30 years

Ointment "Tsel T" It is used in the treatment of various joint pathologies, osteochondrosis, glenohumeral periarthritis, and the elimination of pain in the musculoskeletal system.

Active components of the ointment: arnica montana, solanum, toxicodendron, sanguinaria canadensis, sulfur, coenzyme A.

The price varies from 600 for 50 ml to 1000 rubles. for 100 ml.

Using Arnica ointment for the face

Cosmetologists believe that Arnica ointment (indications for use do not describe this) can be used as an effective remedy for wrinkles, bags and bruises under the eyes.

The drug has also proven itself in the fight against dryness and flaking of facial skin.

The product is applied in a thin layer to the problem area of ​​the skin before going to bed. In the morning, excess ointment can be removed with a paper napkin.

Due to its medicinal properties, the ointment tones the epidermis and tightens the walls of blood vessels. The skin becomes tightened and elastic. The face appears young and rested.

Consumers notice positive results after just 3 uses.

Cosmetic creams and anti-wrinkle emulsions often contain aggressive chemical components that cause allergies and negatively affect the body as a whole.

Arnica ointment is well tolerated due to its natural composition and mild effect.

Arnica ointment for lactostasis

For stagnation of breast milk, Arnica ointment is the most effective remedy, tested by many nursing mothers.

The product must be applied after breastfeeding with gentle massage movements, gradually rubbing in. Excess ointment can be blotted with a paper towel.

The drug perfectly relieves swelling, which not only facilitates the general condition of the nursing mother, but also improves milk flow. Painful symptoms disappear, and after several treatment procedures, breastfeeding does not cause discomfort.

Be careful! If swelling and pain symptoms increase during therapy with Arnica ointment, you must immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Making Arnica ointment at home

In order not to worry about the quality of pharmaceutical products and always have a fresh product at hand, you can easily prepare Arnica ointment at home.

This requires only 2 ingredients. Mountain arnica inflorescences and Vaseline as a base.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Take 100 g of Vaseline, place it in an enamel bowl and bring it to a liquid consistency in a water bath.
  2. Next, add 10 g of finely ground arnica flowers and mix thoroughly with Vaseline.
  3. Within 10 min. The entire mixture is heated and covered with a lid until it cools completely.
  4. For a day, the resulting mass is removed in a dark, but not cold place.
  5. After 24 hours, the workpiece is taken out and again heated in a water bath to a liquid state.
  6. Next, the mixture is filtered through a gauze cloth into a darkened glass jar.

It is recommended to store the ointment in the refrigerator.

If arnica inflorescences are not available, you can use a store-bought tincture.

Recipe with tincture:

  1. For this recipe you need to take 15 ml of any vegetable oil and add 5 g of beeswax to it.
  2. Heat the resulting mass in a water bath to 45 °C, remove from heat and then pour in 10 ml of arnica tincture drop by drop.
  3. Next, leave the ointment to cool and harden at room temperature.

Store in a dark place.

For connoisseurs of essential oils, this recipe is suitable:

  1. Measure 20 ml of any vegetable oil.
  2. 1-2 ml of arnica essential oil is added to it.
  3. The resulting oil consistency is thoroughly mixed.
  4. Homemade Arnica ointment is applied to the problem area in a thin layer, according to the indications for use.

Despite the fact that pharmacologists have developed a large number of drugs for the treatment of bruises, sprains, hematomas and sore joints, one of the most effective and widely used is Arnica ointment.

Doctors' opinions

Traumatologists often prescribe Arnica ointment for the treatment of severe bruises, sprains and hematomas, when patients ask to prescribe something cheaper than imported drugs.

The price of the drug is adequate, and the action is quite effective. Recommended even for school-age children. No side effects were observed during treatment.

When examining their infants at home, young mothers ask the pediatrician to recommend an effective remedy for stagnation of breast milk. They recommend Arnica ointment, as I consider the drug harmless during lactation.

Surgeons also recommend Arnica ointment as an effective and inexpensive means of healing post-operative injuries. I always advise you to adhere to the indications for using the drug, and not to smear just anything.

Author: Shutikova Yu.S.

From this video you will learn how the plant and the ointment based on it - "Arnica" - are used, indications for the use of this product:

This video will tell you recipes for using the arnica plant:

Although toxic when taken orally, arnica works wonders when used externally.

Mountain arnica is a well-known medicinal and... poisonous plant, which has nevertheless gained a worldwide reputation as a healing plant. Moreover, most of the effects that arnica has can be used to solve a variety of aesthetic problems. Although, perhaps, the most valuable property of arnica that can be used in cosmetology is venotonic: this plant helps reduce the severity of the vascular network in rosacea, some forms of rosacea, as well as reduce bruises and hemorrhages.

Synonyms: Arnica Montana, Greentech Arnica, Arnica Montana Flower Extract, Arnica Resinoid. Patented formulas: Actiphyte® Arnica, Viazest® Arnica OS20S, Arnica Oil CLR, NAB™ Arnica Extract PF, Nikkol APP-CLE, Arnica Flower CO2-to extract, HERBY LINE ARNICA.

Cosmetics with arnica in our catalog:

Baby shampoos and conditioners with arnica

Action of arnica in cosmetics

The unique phytochemical composition of this plant determines its numerous cosmetic effects. Arnica contains sesquiterpene lactones (helenalin), phenolcarboxylic acids, flavonoids, coumarins and essential oils as its most powerful active ingredients. Helenalin, a sesquiterpene lactone, is considered the main bioactive compound in arnica - along with flavonoids, it helps soothe and restore skin after damage, exposure to aggressive environmental factors and stress.

Arnica flower extract is anti-inflammatory, soothing, venotonic and antihemorrhagic (prevents bruising). It is believed that arnica increases blood flow to the area around the bruise, and also improves lymphatic drainage in nearby tissues - this reduces the severity of bruises, reduces swelling, and relieves pressure on the nerve endings in the affected area. The same property of arnica is used to improve hair growth, strengthen it, and prevent hair loss.

Arnica extract also stimulates granulation (the first stage of wound healing) of tissue and thus speeds up the process of skin restoration after cuts, burns, etc.

The brightening effect is a relatively new property of the plant, which was recently discovered. According to recent data, triterpene acids from arnica flowers are one of the most powerful inhibitors of melanin synthesis known, and are therefore considered as an agent for combating hyperpigmentation.

Mountain arnica flower extract also acts as an auxiliary substance in cosmetics, masking the unpleasant odor and taste of the substance.

Who is arnica indicated for?

Arnica flower extract perfectly relieves redness, reduces spider veins and spider veins, and also has an antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect - so this ingredient can be useful for various inflammatory skin diseases. Although primarily recommended for rosacea and rosacea, arnica can also be used as a topical treatment for superficial phlebitis and as a relief remedy for dark circles under the eyes. In addition, arnica extract improves dry or damaged skin by reducing flaking and restoring elasticity.

Arnica is also traditionally used to restore skin after intense tanning, treat superficial and minor burns, and eliminate diaper rash and rashes. Today, this component is also recommended for recovery after mesotherapy and plastic surgery. As it turned out, arnica helps reduce the side effects of invasive procedures - bruising, swelling, inflammation, and also accelerates the healing of wounds after surgery.

Who is contraindicated for arnica?

Strictly contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity; people prone to allergies should use it with caution. One of the most important components of arnica - helenalin - can serve not only for good: unfortunately, for some people this substance is a strong allergen. The literature describes more than 100 cases of acute contact dermatitis caused by external use of arnica preparations. True, in most cases, they were associated with exceeding the dosage during self-medication. Even in the absence of a hypersensitivity reaction in case of overdose (excessive or frequent application of large quantities in cosmetics containing arnica), this component carries a high risk of skin irritation. And some studies have even shown that arnica can destroy keratinocytes. May be toxic if taken orally.

Cosmetics containing arnica

In cosmetics and personal care products, arnica flower extract and its other derivatives are used in the development of various types of products, including skin care products, shampoos, hair conditioners and sunscreen ranges. Arnica is most often found in face creams, then in moisturizing lotions, anti-age products, eye creams, and facial cleansers.

How to prepare an ointment for bruises and bruises based on arnica and other medicinal plants 18944

When producing cosmetics, the content of arnica in products must correspond to a special gradation. Recommended concentrations for use in cosmetics: 10% - aqueous extract, 8% - oil extract, 2% - in hair growth stimulants for the scalp and massage emulsions. Further extremely low concentrations are used: 0.1 -1% - in bath products, skin cleansers and night care products; 0.1 -5% - face and hand creams; about 0.1% - in shampoos and conditioners.

Sources of arnica

Arnica montana is a wild botanical species common in the mountainous regions of Europe (in Ukraine found in the Carpathians), Asia and North America, which is also sometimes called “mountain daisy”, “wolf’s death” or “leopard’s poison”. In herbal medicine and folk medicine, this plant has been used since the 16th century as a natural remedy for hemorrhages and bruises, and this use of arnica is still relevant today. Nowadays, mountain arnica is classified as a rare and endangered species - in our country it is included in the Red Book.

The plant extract is obtained from the flower heads of mountain arnica (Arnica montana). Only the orange-yellow flower head of the plant is also used as a medicine (including in homeopathy). Mountain arnica flower extract is a dark brown transparent liquid that does not precipitate.