Arsenic-containing baths

Arsenic baths are one of the most common treatments in medicine. Arsenic is a toxic element that can cause serious side effects. However, in some cases, arsenic baths can be very effective in treating various diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, psoriasis and others.

In medicine, arsenic baths are used to treat many diseases, including arthritis, gout, psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases. The effect of the bath is based on the fact that arsenic penetrates the skin into the body and has a healing effect on the affected areas of the body.

To carry out the procedure, special baths are used that contain a solution of arsenic in water. The water temperature should be comfortable for the patient, usually around 37-38 degrees Celsius. The duration of the procedure depends on the disease and can range from 10 to 20 minutes.

After the procedure, the patient should rest for some time to allow the muscles to relax. Then you need to take a shower and apply a special cream to your skin.

It is important to note that baths with arsenic should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and in compliance with all safety measures. Improper use of baths can lead to serious side effects such as arsenic poisoning or skin damage.

Thus, baths containing arsenic are an effective method of treating many diseases. However, before using this method, you must consult your doctor and follow all safety precautions.

Arsenic-containing baths are a new approach to the treatment of a number of diseases, in particular, inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine - arthritis, polyarthritis, chronic myositis, etc., chronic skin diseases - psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, which cannot be treated for many years . Arsenic has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, reduces pain, reduces swelling and exudation, providing a restorative and lymphatic drainage effect. In baths with arsenic, the outflow of blood and lymph improves, spasm of blood vessels and muscles is relieved, and the overall resistance of the body increases. This method of treatment is also effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But you should remember that you should never start treatment by treating severe skin diseases with harsh methods. It is recommended to first use light arsenic solutions and then increase the concentration slowly. This will allow you to assess the individual sensitivity of the body, promptly noticing the negative reaction of the body.

It is important to carry out the course of treatment under the supervision of a doctor; under no circumstances should you take baths on your own. The doctor conducts a general examination of the patient, measures his blood pressure, determines the presence of ECG changes, and palpably determines the properties of the heart muscle and bone density.

Baths with arsenic dissolved in water can be used both to heat the entire body and to treat only a certain area of ​​the body. For this purpose, arsenal enemas are sometimes used. Before drinking, arsenic water should not be enriched with calcium - this can negate the anti-inflammatory effect of arsenic. This metal participates in redox processes in the body, thereby possessing beneficial properties. For internal diseases, baths are prescribed