Arterial Arch of the Eyelid Superior

The arterial arch of the upper eyelid (arcus palpebralis superior) is a small blood vessel that is located on the upper eyelid of the eye. It connects the internal artery of the eye with the external artery of the eye and is part of the circulatory system that supplies blood to the tissues around the eyes.

The arterial arch is located on the inner surface of the upper eyelid, just above the eyelashes. It has the shape of a crescent and consists of two layers: the inner one, formed by the endothelium, and the outer one, formed by connective tissue. Between these layers there are capillaries that ensure the exchange of substances between the blood and the tissues of the eyelid.

The function of the arch of arteriosus of the upper eyelid is that it provides blood supply to the tissues around the eyes, including the eyelids, conjunctiva, lacrimal glands, and eye muscles. In addition, it plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the eyes and protecting them from damage.

However, if the arch of artery is damaged or blocked, it can lead to various eye diseases such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis and others. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the arterial arch and, if necessary, carry out treatment.

In conclusion, the arch of artery of the upper eyelid is an important element of the circulatory system around the eyes and plays an important role in ensuring their normal functioning. However, if the arch arteriosus is damaged or blocked, various eye diseases can occur, so it is necessary to monitor its condition and carry out appropriate treatment.

The arterial arch of the upper eyelid (arcus palpebralis superior) is an anatomical formation that is located on the upper eyelid and provides blood supply to this area.

The superior arterial arch is part of the ocular vascular system and is located on the inner surface of the upper eyelid. It is formed by the connection of the superior ophthalmic artery and the superior temporal artery. The superior arterial arch consists of two branches: lateral and medial.

The lateral branch of the superior arch arteriosus runs along the outer side of the upper eyelid and supplies blood to the skin and muscles around the eye. The medial branch of the superior arterial arch runs along the inner side of the upper eyelid, providing blood supply to the conjunctiva of the eye and cornea.

The arterial arch of the upper eyelid vectum is important for the normal functioning of the eyeball and maintaining the health of the skin and tissues around the eye. Any disturbances in its functioning can lead to various diseases, such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis and others.

To prevent diseases associated with the superior arterial arch, it is necessary to monitor eye health, properly care for the skin around the eyes and promptly treat any diseases. It is also important to eat right, exercise and avoid bad habits that can negatively affect the health of your eyes and blood vessels.