Arterial D Additional

Arterial double or additional is an increase in blood pressure during ventricular systole or the second period of the cardiac cycle. Blood pressure in the arteries and limbs is caused by cardiac activity and is low during normal operation. I.V. Davydovsky called it additional. In healthy people, blood pressure may also occur for a short time and in some conditions, but is rarely recorded in isolation. Diastolic arterial double minimum is a rare condition characterized by slow filling of the left ventricle and significant diastolic arterial pressure (60 mmHg) recorded below the baseline or in the second intercostal space to the right of the sternum. Moreover, it is equal to systolic pressure (80) or even exceeds it by 20 mmHg. Art. Total blood pressure is an additional arterial pressure, normally defined as a constant flow of blood in the circulatory system. It occurs in healthy people in some relatively simple situations, in which the pressure in the arterial part increases after systole (for example, when extending the arm from a resting position) and aims to increase the supply of oxygen to working muscles and/or tissues that are in conditions of oxygen deficiency for a long time. Increased arteriolar blood flow occurs due to an increase in total peripheral resistance (this fact can be confirmed by heart rate measurement), which would increase significantly in the presence of chronic dysfunction of the heart or conduction system. Factors that cause or worsen facultative arterial arrhythmia may include exercise, such as resistance training, or nutritional deficiencies, such as eating a salt-restricted diet. In Fig. normal values ​​of blood pressure for an adult are shown. The curves represent the overall changes in pressure changes in the four main arterial regions: brachial artery, aorta, carotid artery. Measurements are taken daily for half an hour, and blood pressure should gradually decrease by about 3 mmHg/min. After some time, you should maintain a constant average pressure, then start decreasing over several