Arteries Digital Plantar

The digital plantar arteries (a. digitales plantares) are a type of artery that provide blood supply to the toes and the plantar surface of the foot. They are branches of the deep arteries of the leg, which pass through the sole of the foot and further branch into small arterial branches that supply each toe and the plantar surface of the foot.

The digital plantar arteries are important for the normal functioning of the foot and toes. They ensure the supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues, as well as the removal of metabolic products. Impaired blood supply to the toes can lead to various diseases such as ulcers, infections and circulatory problems.

In order to prevent diseases of the digital plantar arteries, you need to monitor your health and lifestyle. This includes eating right, exercising regularly, avoiding excess weight and bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. It is also recommended to regularly visit a doctor for preventive examinations and diagnosis of possible diseases.

Plantar digital arteries - (a.digitales planartes) are the main vessels in the foot area. Formed as a result of connection (ends) with the dorsal artery of the foot. They give rise to the digital arteries of the foot, which anastomose with each other, forming the arterial arches of the foot (arcus ateriael piantus). The arterial arch is covered by transversely running smaller arteries, and in this regard it has the largest number of vital arteries. Therefore, disruption of blood flow in these areas causes serious health consequences and requires immediate surgical intervention.