Arteries Conjunctival Posterior

Posterior Conjunctival Arteries: Anatomy and Functions

Posterior Conjunctival Arteries are small blood vessels that run along the back of the conjunctiva of the eye. They are part of the vascular network of the eye and provide blood supply to the posterior part of the conjunctiva.

Arteries Conjunctival Posterior can be divided into two main groups: a. conjunctivales posteriores (PNA) and a. conjunctivales posteriores (BNA). PNAs run along the back of the upper and lower eyelids, while BNAs run along the lateral walls of the orbit.

The anatomy of the Posterior Conjunctival Arteries may vary between individuals. In some cases they may be branches of a. lacrimalis or a. ophthalmica.

The Posterior Conjunctival Arteries play an important role in providing blood supply to the posterior part of the conjunctiva, which is a thin and transparent film covering the white of the eye. In addition, they play an important role in hydrating the eye, since the conjunctiva secretes tears, which moisturize the eyeball.

Although the functions of the Posterior Conjunctival Arteries seem minor, their disruption can lead to serious vision problems. For example, if there is insufficient blood supply to the conjunctiva, its function may be impaired, leading to dry and irritated eyes.

In conclusion, the Posterior Conjunctival Arteries are an important part of the vasculature of the eye and play an important role in providing blood supply and hydration to the posterior part of the conjunctiva. Although their functions seem minor, disruptions in their functioning can lead to serious vision problems.

The conjunctivae are mucous membranes that cover the inner surface of the eyelids and the front of the eyeball. The conjunctival arteries pass through the eyelids and form branches within the conjunctiva. One of these formations is the conjunctival posterior arteries (arteriae conjunctivae posteriores), which are an important structure in the anatomy of the conjunctiva and play a role in providing blood circulation to the eye.

The arteries of the conjunctiva begin from the posterior surface of the frontal bone, elevating