Arteries Interlobar Kidneys

The interlobal arteries of the kidneys are a vascular structure that provides blood supply to the kidneys and its structures. They are one of the most important arteries in the human body and their proper functioning is necessary to maintain the vital functions of the body.

The interlobar kidney arteries (a.interlobaresrenis) are one of two large vascular bundles that supply oxygen and nutrients to the kidney tissue. They originate from the aortae renalis and descend to the centers of the kidneys, where they form plexuses (irrigation network) around the glomeruli and pyramids. Small vessels branch off from this network, namely interlobular arteries and capillaries, which ensure the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the kidney cells. Arteries are involved in the process of filtering blood through the glomeruli and ensure the smooth functioning of the kidneys. This is why improper functioning of the arteries between the segments can lead to various kidney diseases and even kidney failure.

It is also important to note that the presence of aneurysms on the arteries of the interlobar kidneys or their complications can lead to blood