Arteries Urogenital Superior

The superior vesical arteries (a.vesicales superiores) are large arteries that supply blood to the bladder and its walls. They are branches of the abdominal aorta and arise from it in the upper abdomen. The superior vesical arteries are divided into two branches: the right and left vesical arteries.

The right vesical artery (a.vesicae dextrae) supplies blood to most of the bladder, including its anterior and posterior walls, as well as the ureter. It also supplies the ureters and renal veins located to the right of the bladder.

The left vesical artery (a.vesiculae sinistrae) supplies blood to a smaller part of the bladder and ureters than the right vesical artery. It runs along the left wall of the bladder and supplies the left renal vein, located next to the bladder.

The superior vesical arteries are of great importance for the functioning of the bladder and kidneys. They provide blood supply to organs that are involved in the processes of urination and blood filtration in the kidneys. In addition, they control pressure in the bladder and regulate its filling.

Diseases of the upper vesical arteries can lead to dysfunction of the bladder and kidneys, as well as to various diseases of the urinary tract. For example, when the superior vesical arteries narrow, ischemia of the bladder or kidneys may occur, which can lead to their failure.

To diagnose diseases of the superior vesical arteries, various methods are used, such as ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment may include surgery to widen or restore the lumen of the arteries, as well as drug therapy to improve blood supply to organs.

In general, the superior vesical arteries play an important role in the functioning of the human urinary tract and kidneys.

The superior vesical arteries are the pelvic arteries that supply blood to the bladder and upper parts of the urethra. These arteries originate from the inferior mesenteric artery and pass through the urogenital diaphragm. The superior urinary arteries are divided into anterior and posterior branches