Arteritis Granulomatous

Granulomatous arteritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the arteries and arteries that can lead to serious consequences and even threaten human life. Here's what you need to know about this disease.

What is granumate arteritis? Arteritis granulomatous is a rare disease that affects the arteries and veins. It is caused by infection or other factors. This can be caused by various reasons such as stress, fatigue, allergies, infection, alcohol abuse, smoking, medications, etc.

How does arteritis manifest? The first symptoms are often nonspecific - chest pain, increased blood pressure, headaches, loss of consciousness, nausea, weakness and other ailments. There may also be other symptoms that include pain in the elbow and knee joints, dermatitis and eye lesions (conjunctivitis, blepharitis) and others. Some signs of arteritis may also resemble common symptoms of heart failure.

Treatment of allergic arteritis.a For the treatment of allergic granulomatous arteritis, antihistamine therapy is prescribed, as well as drugs to improve blood microcirculation. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics may be prescribed to reduce inflammation. In severe cases, surgery is used to restore blood flow.

Prevention of allergic arteritis To prevent allergic granuloma arteritis, it is necessary to avoid contact with allergens, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, monitor your health and undergo regular medical examinations.