Arteriography Open

Arteriography, also known as angiography, is a diagnostic procedure that visualizes the condition of the arteries and veins in the body. It can be carried out both to study individual parts of the body and to diagnose diseases of the whole organism.

One type of arteriography is open arteriography, in which the artery is surgically exposed and a contrast agent is injected through it. This allows you to get a more detailed image of the arteries and vessels, which can help in diagnosing various diseases.

Open arteriography can be performed on both small and large arteries. In this case, the procedure can be performed on one or several arteries simultaneously.

The open arteriography procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and takes about 30-60 minutes. After the contrast agent is administered, the radiologist takes pictures, which are then analyzed.

Although open arteriography is a safe procedure, it may cause some side effects such as pain, swelling and redness at the puncture site. Allergic reactions to the contrast agent used during the procedure are also possible.

Overall, open arteriography can be very useful in diagnosing various diseases such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis, aneurysms and other vascular diseases. It allows you to obtain a detailed image of the vessels and arteries, which helps in choosing the optimal treatment.

Arteriography is a method of examining blood vessels using X-rays, which uses a contrast agent to better visualize the vessels and detect possible pathologies.

Open arteriography is a type of arteriography in which a contrast agent is injected into an artery that has been previously surgically exposed to access the vessel.

Open arteriography involves making a small incision in the skin to expose the artery. A needle is then inserted into the artery, through which a contrast agent is injected. X-rays are then taken to visualize the vessels.

Open arteriographies are used to diagnose various vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis, aneurysms and others. They can also be used to assess the condition of blood vessels before surgery or to monitor the progress of surgery.

However, open arteriographies have some risks, such as tissue damage, infection, and allergic reactions to the contrast agent. Therefore, before performing open arteriography, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination of the patient and assess all possible risks.

In general, open arteriography is an effective method for diagnosing and treating vascular diseases. However, before carrying out a thorough examination and risk assessment, it is necessary to carry out a thorough examination and assessment of the risks.