
Piranal is a combined analgesic and antipyretic, which is produced in Bulgaria by the companies Farmakhim and Farmakhim-Pharmacia. The group of drugs to which Piranal belongs belongs to the category “Combined analgesics”. Thanks to their unique composition, such products effectively cope not only with the symptoms of pain, but also relieve fever, chills and other unpleasant manifestations of ARVI.

The active components of Piranal are paracetamol and flupiramine (collectively called the antihistamine group). Additionally, Piranal contains a number of other auxiliary components, including calcium carbonate. Usually, when taking the drug, it is recommended to adhere to a regimen of taking the tablet twice a day before breakfast and dinner. The duration of treatment may vary and depends on the severity of pain and the effect to be achieved.

However, it is important to remember that the use of analgesic and antipeptic drugs should always be limited and carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. When taking such drugs, it makes sense not to neglect the prevention of pain conditions, since most of them are symptomatic treatment. Also, do not forget that in some cases more aggressive treatment and even surgery may be required.