Arteriography Spinal

Spinal cord arteriography is a diagnostic method that allows you to visualize the vessels of the spinal cord and assess their condition. This method is used to diagnose various diseases, such as aneurysms, tumors, injuries and other pathologies of the spinal cord vessels.

To perform arteriography of the spinal cord, it is necessary to inject a contrast agent directly into the aorta, lumbar, intercostal or subclavian arteries. A contrast agent allows you to see blood vessels on an x-ray, which allows you to determine the presence and degree of narrowing or dilatation of blood vessels, as well as identify the presence of aneurysms or other pathologies.

Spinal cord arteriography is an invasive diagnostic method, so the risks and benefits to the patient must be carefully assessed before performing the procedure. However, this method is very accurate and allows you to identify many diseases of the spinal cord vessels, which can help in choosing the right treatment.

In general, spinal cord arteriography is an important diagnostic method and can be used to identify many spinal cord vascular diseases. However, before undergoing this procedure, you should carefully evaluate the risks and benefits and discuss all possible treatment options with your doctor.